Search results

  1. jferrier

    Cleaner shrimp and ick

    I'm going to tend to disagree w/ the last post. Catching your fish and stressing them even more could cause a more severe outbreak of ick. I've had very good luck w/ cleaner shrimp and everyone I've purchased was always more than willing to pick off the ick. So much so I've sworn off owning any...
  2. jferrier

    tang in 29 gal reef

    Well anything in lr that swims is going to be hard to catch. Ive got a 30 and had just terrible luck w/ blue hippo tangs. They really need lots of room to swim it seems.
  3. jferrier

    tank already cycled?

    I set up a 58 gallon 23 days ago. I used an already established sand bed , and probably 40 lbs of liverock from my existing 30 gallon. I've had a 3" trigger in there for 20 days now. At day 15 and 23 I ran ammonia and nitrates and got very low ammonia readings on day 15 and no detectable levels...
  4. jferrier

    any one from central texas area?

  5. jferrier

    mail order fish

    ordered online and everything came fine and dandy
  6. jferrier

    Moving anenome

    Carpets will move everywhere. You can move him, and tomorrow he will be somewhere else.
  7. jferrier

    sand beds?

    I ask because I had read that anaerobic bacteria could cause buildup of toxic gases below the sand bed that can be released when the sand bed is disturbed. Why would an under sand filter be a bad idea?
  8. jferrier

    where did my thread go?

    dockery; new lfs...where?
  9. jferrier

    sand beds?

    On average how deep is your sand bed and does anyone use undergravel filtration?
  10. jferrier

    where did my thread go?

    Everything is there but the one I'm looking for
  11. jferrier

    where did my thread go?

    My thread has dissappeared. i got an email notification that there was a reply on 10-28 but I don't see the thread anymore. It was there last night.
  12. jferrier

    breeding and propagation

  13. jferrier

    reef supplements

    Just curious to know what everyone adds to there tanks at least once a week as maintenance or food supplement or just general health? Have you had any bad experiences w/ a supplement. kalkwasser drip kent marine zoe (food supplement) kent marine c (less often) reef vital dna(seems to really...
  14. jferrier

    breeding and propagation

    Anyone had any success w/ breeding or propagating fish or corals?
  15. jferrier


    I've been contemplating adding a refugium myself. I 've read several articles discussing their advantages: 1. You add more water to your system which adds more surface area and helps minimize errors. 2. It can be used to cultivate macroalgaes that soak up excess nutrients which in turns helps...
  16. jferrier

    algae, algae go away

    I had a terrible green hair algae problem and I thoroughly cleaned out all the algae buildup in my filters. I purchased a yellow tang really because I wanted one and he went to town on it. I've heard foxfaces are good green hair eaters as well. It seems to do a better job than the mower blenny...
  17. jferrier

    sally lightfoot...

    My roomate has one and I've seen it a total of about 3 times since he got it over 6 mos. ago. It's always in hiding. As long as water quality is on par its probably just found a comfortable area out of site.
  18. jferrier

    Info on putting my 125 in a wall?

    Osolow: How you build your tank into the wall really depends on how you want it to look. Do you want a sill like a window in front of the glass or do you want the glass to be flush w/ the wall. Are you talking 4 or 5 ft to the bottom of the aquarium or the top? I personally like ones flush w/...
  19. jferrier

    Let me hear about your Triggers!

    A brief history of the undulate trigger in my household: Purchased by roomate Don for $12.00 Upon release from the bag (as we had tried to warn him) it began killing everything in site. Crabs, fish, and even when it was so full from eating it cont. to kill as though it was just having fun. The...
  20. jferrier

    Finish this sentence: "I knew I was addicted when..."

    I got my credit card statement in the mail