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  1. jferrier

    100+ PPM Nitrate .. are these the problem?

    I agree the copperband is quite delicate. Butterflies aren't always easy to feed. The peppermints should do the trick.
  2. jferrier

    Not eating

    What are you feeding him now? Does he have any visible symptoms of disease? Try something live like newly hatched brine shrimp.
  3. jferrier

    Anyone tried argocrete?

    THanks 4:20! Yeah I realize the sand bed life would be destroyed during the curing, but I have sand/ argonite/ crushed coral that I don't need and rather than throw it out I thought it would make an interesting texture. White cement (portland?)
  4. jferrier

    Have A Question...copper In Tank

    Yeah me too. Guess we should be WORKING! Oh... back to the original question. To keep enough of a copper level to be effective against parasitic diseases you could likely be doing damage to the fishes internal organs because of prolonged exposure to copper. I would try more natural methods like...
  5. jferrier

    Anyone tried argocrete?

    Anyone cultured lr from concrete and argonite or established sand beds? Any problems?
  6. jferrier

    Have A Question...copper In Tank

  7. jferrier

    leather umbrella

    Take a turkey baster and blow off any debris or algae peiodically that collects on the top.
  8. jferrier

    leather umbrella

    I've got a leather. Not sure if it's what you are calling an umbrella leather or not but it does resemble an umbrella and it does have polyps that retract. Anyways if the light is on the polyps are always opened, however I have noticed a few days to a week before it sheds an outer layer of...
  9. jferrier

    100+ PPM Nitrate .. are these the problem?

    If you can get your water in check and if you have no hostile tank mates a couple peppermint shrimp will usually eat the aptasia. As for the nitrate problem. What kind of filtration do you have? You might try adding some well established live sand and some macroalgae.
  10. jferrier

    Has anyone used Reef Vital DNA??

    I use it and have had great results w/ it. It really seems to promote coralline and made my button polyps look awesome. It didn't seem to live up to the claim that it keeps ich from attaching to the fish, but what product does? As for the hair algae I had a massive breakout and it went away...
  11. jferrier

    add a flamehawk???

    Hey just wanting some opinions on flamehawks? I have a clown and a cleaner shrimp and want a hippo later and a mandarin in the future. I've read that the ritteri's anemone will host flamehawks and was concerned he might try and fight my clown for his BTA.
  12. jferrier


    If its healthy and h20 parameters ok, then it will find a place on its own. And if everything is in check it will turn itself up on its own as well. If something is wrong w/ it trying to reposition it isn't going to help it anyways. Like the other post said depending on the type it prefers...
  13. jferrier


    I got a sweet deal on some used lights there. My roomate has searched all over the net and found some MH that weren't too expensive. I'm trying to decide on walking dog or watching fish when I get home tonight. Better walk don't bark!
  14. jferrier

    True Percs

    I'd go w/ a bubble tip. My percs love theirs. They are probably the easiest to keep and don't move around too much.
  15. jferrier


    Yes. The building is really nice. I went 2 days after they opened and their fish looked terrible. I think they were stressed from the sudden move. My friends have said they look ok now though. I think they are calling it the sebae clown or is that different? Look at the scientific name. I...
  16. jferrier

    Salt water tank crashed NEED HELP!!!!

    That massive of a water change could have very likely killed all you fish. 75% in two days is a lot, especially on such a newly established tank.
  17. jferrier


    Oh, I live an hour away. And work is 10 minutes away. And I'm still at work! So that's not fair! Wow sounds like you are addicted too. How long you been a junkie?
  18. jferrier


    temptation I really can spell.
  19. jferrier


    Ok. All this talk of fish and I'm only 10 minutes from Dallas North. Must resist temtation. What setup do you have? I'm looking around for alternatives to spending $129 for a refugium but that's going to be my next project. I'm also thinking about turning my 30 gal into a cleaner shrimp...
  20. jferrier

    Least agressive clownfish?

    twoods How big is your tank? I have a perc and would like to try another clown but had heard not to mix species. I also have a bta that he would probably not give up w/ out a fight. Do you have any anemones as well?