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  1. mcsd22

    No appetite????

    Need to no water parameters, tank size, age. Need to no exact diet also,
  2. mcsd22


    pods and they are ok.
  3. mcsd22

    Filtration Input...

    If you plan on no fiter then I would get the back pac from cpr. Its a skimmer and has a bio area combined into 1. You will definately need the lr and sand and might still have problems. What are you going to do for water movement?
  4. mcsd22

    Changed water and fish are acting odd.

    Need to no water parameters before and after water change.
  5. mcsd22

    one more question?

    MH lighting seems to be prefered for an anemone. I think the only thing that might host it is a maroon clown but you can't add him with existing clowns. The little buggers are mean and territorial with other clows. Learned that the hard way.
  6. mcsd22

    two much for a 55g??

    I have fiji rock and I have allways been happy with it. You can get it from this site and it is good qualitity rock. As far as the tang most would say you need 75 gallons to keep 1 happy and healthy but the choice is yours to make. I have a blue hippo and he is a beautiful fish and does fine. He...
  7. mcsd22

    chiller and live sand vs. crushed coral

    The live sand seems to be most peoples preference as it is mine. I started with crushed coral and changed to sand. How high is your temp getting?
  8. mcsd22

    yellow tang

    Hard to answer when you didn't post your water parameters, stock list, tank size, ect.
  9. mcsd22

    My new setup - comments?

    Melody, you should stay away from the anemones for a while, 6 months or so. They requir prestine water and that will be hard to achieve at first. Probably the best fish advise comes from LION. He has helped me and alot of others. It sucks looking at an empty tank but its the right thing to do so...
  10. mcsd22

    two much for a 55g??

    That would be for each.
  11. mcsd22

    two much for a 55g??

    I think you have a tank full and I would add 50 to 75 pounds of live rock for the load you got. I no thats not the answer you are looking for but when all these fish hit maturity you will be full up.
  12. mcsd22

    end of cycle

    How high are your trates? The diatom is normal at this stage, ugly but normal.
  13. mcsd22

    How are my specs?

    The cal. is a little low and the trates are a little high but its sounding good. As far as the anemone they really require an established system, like 6 months in or so. They will not like the trates and will be hard to keep with any fluctiation in water qualitity. Think I would hold off for a...
  14. mcsd22

    wanting to try ?

    Black and white percs would be the easiest and a carpet anemone would be their first choice.
  15. mcsd22

    Fish Changed Color

    My fish also look different after lights out but thats normal. By no means should you have your day time lights on at night. You probably should have a timer that way the fish have a natural day, I would not turn on your tank lights after dark.
  16. mcsd22

    How much LR??

    Sounds like a good start. 1 to 1.5 pounds per gallon.
  17. mcsd22

    Ammonia increase

    What size tank? occupants?
  18. mcsd22

    Ammonia increase

  19. mcsd22

    6 month old 55 gal

  20. mcsd22

    Totally new!

    I concure the tangs are not a good idea. They are free swimmers and need alot of room and alot of rock work to swim around but you have to make your own call. If you do get 1 wait a good while so the tank is established and you stand a better chance. No anemones right off the bat. They require...