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  1. hondo

    Clean up crew?

    Scarlet reef hermits are much better than the blue legged ones. the blues will kill any snail for their shell at some point. I would go with 5 cerith 5 trouchas, or margaritas although margaritas die when they fall over. 5 stometella 5 scarlet reef hermits
  2. hondo

    Kinds of Clean up crews?

    Like the previous post says start simply with a bunch of snails (cerith, trouchas, margaritas, stometella, ect) make sure you get several different kinds for diversity. If you like hermits maybe get 6-12 scarlet reef hermits as well. After six months or so then think about some of the more...
  3. hondo

    Sand Question

    Yes I have used it and it's good stuff to mix with dry (dead) sand. Keep in mind it is live with bacteria only, no critters but it is a good product.
  4. hondo

    feeding and lighting questions

    I would agree that the problem is over feeding and not the lighting period. Feed once a day at the most and even that is probably over feeding for your bioload. Give the tang some nori to munch on and feed the rest of the tank a small amount every other day. sounds like your nitrates are to high...
  5. hondo

    Looking for insight...

    for a goo dcleanup crew diversity is the key. Lots of different things as they all eat (clean) something slightly different from the other. I disagree with the previous post in the snails are not over rated IMO as cleaners, but some snails are better than others. I like a wide assortment of...
  6. hondo

    CPR BakPak conversion to Reef-Version

    Yes I keep my heater in the side where the bio bale use to be no problem. Mine probably touches the sides as it's 3 years old and the suction cups no longer work to hold it on the plex. given the flow rate through the small chamber it's not a problem. To be honest the only things wrong with...
  7. hondo

    CPR BakPak conversion to Reef-Version

    The main difference is the "Reef" Model doesn't come with the bio-bale. Just pull out the bio bale and let the sand and rock in the reef tank filter the water. You can also leave the bio bale in but most people feel it is a nitrate factory. choice is yours but either way it will be a good...
  8. hondo

    CPR BakPak conversion to Reef-Version

    yes, for a 20g tank the bak pak will be a good skimmer.
  9. hondo

    Take A Look At What I Have In My Tank Give Some Advice

    Definitely add more snails. Get some cerith 10 Margaritas 10 Trochas 10 Nassarius 10 - 15 (if you have a snad bed) A couple of fighting conch Stometella 10 I know what you mean by never seeing the red legs. mine seem to somehow get in between and under rocks somehow. I start to think they are...
  10. hondo

    cleaning up reef

    I would definitely add more snails and fewer shrimp. Cleaner shrimp are great to have in your tank to look at but don't add any algea cleanup value, neither do pepermint shrimp (mostly for aptasia control). Add about: 10 trochas snails 10 stometella 10 nassarius (they don't eat algea but Are...
  11. hondo

    Need advice on Plex work

    Thanks for the Link it answered all my questions.
  12. hondo

    Need advice on Plex work

    I'm going to build a refugium for my 37g tall reef tank. Unfortunately the stand on this tank is very narrow so none of the existing glass tanks will fit underneath. I want to build a refugium out of plex aprox 18"X9.5"X14" but I have never done any work with plexiglass before. I know I can...
  13. hondo

    Let's see your brains

    my Weslo and my YT who is a Ham for the camera
  14. hondo

    i am confused about how strong my powerghead should be

    the more flow the better 10X is a minimum but don't shy away for up to 20X. On my 50g reef I have a spray bar fed by a mag 9.5 from the sump and 2 maxi jet 600's, plus an old bio wheel HOB filter with bio wheels remove for added flow (and to run carbon once a month). SO I am slighty over 20X.
  15. hondo

    Can I hang a 18" AquaFuge on a 29 gal. AGA?

    yes you can. I have an 18" aqua fuge on my 37g tall which I believe is the same length as the 29. should be a good addition to a 29 as the size is about right.
  16. hondo

    lighting question

    Sounds like you don't have a canopy which limits your options a little. Strip lights in either PC or VHO would work and allow you to keep most any LPS or soft coral you would want. Don't buy it from a LFS as you will pay a huge mark up, you can get a better deal on the internet if you do a...
  17. hondo

    metal halide

    I run my VHO Actinic from 12:00 - 10:30pm My 175MH runs from 1:00 - 9:30pm Most people seem to run their MH for 8 hours or so but the choice is up to you.
  18. hondo


    I've heard they are delicate to but my own personal experience is they are pretty tough. I base this on my own experience of having a LFS sell me one (really gave me the hard sell since I didin't want him at first cause I thought he was too large for my tank) when I was first starting out and...
  19. hondo

    Mini Brittle Star Question

    Ok that's what I thought but wanted to make sure. I know what you mean by too many as once the lights go out they are crawling everywhere. Of course there is no such thing as too many since they are great detrivores.
  20. hondo

    Mini Brittle Star Question

    I'm curious how these guys reproduce, and how often. The reason I am asking is one of my tanks has a large population of these in it and the other has none. I have been catching and transfering some from one tank to another and I am curious how many will be needed to seed the other tank to get...