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  1. hondo

    Fairy wrasse in a reef tank....

    given those circumstances you could try it but do try to upgrade the tank to give it more room and make sure the tank is covered.
  2. hondo

    Fairy wrasse in a reef tank....

    you did not mention what type of fairy wrasse but yes your tank is too small. If your upgrading to a larger tank in six months why not wait till then to get the fish. Watch out though as they are jumpers and have a unique habit of jumping right through even the smallest of openings in the top of...
  3. hondo

    crushed coral

    don't mix CC with sand as the larger grain size of the CC will cause it to eventually rise to the top of the sand bed and that will defeat the purpose of the sand bed. either use small sugar size sand or CC but not both. Most people are prefering to go with sand bed or DSB but many people do use...
  4. hondo

    Inverts can't keep on 175's

    you should probably go with 250w for a 24" deep tank in order to keep whatever you want. That's a pretty deep tall tank for a 175w.
  5. hondo

    Mh ?

    opinions will vary but you only need a 250w as your tank is only 24" tall. That being said no reason not to go with the 400w. why only 1 MH as you need 3 to cover a 6' tank.
  6. hondo

    Do you have MH's? Ballast types please

    try as this is the supplier for the ballast used by Aguaticlighting on the DIY MH set up. I am getting three of the 250w ballasts (#71A5770-001D) for my 135g reef I am currently setting up. These are coil/core ballasts and I currently use a 175w model on a smaller tank...
  7. hondo


    go ahead and use it but realise it will produce nitrates so you will need some LR and DSB or Refugium to keep your nitrates under control. I currently use one only with the bio wheels and pads removed so it is just circulating water and this way I can easily run carbon once a month to polish the...
  8. hondo

    how much sand

    to figure how much sand you need use the following: Length X Width X inches of sand you want X .0579 = lbs of sand needed
  9. hondo

    tossed the eclipse. got a tank like u guys said!

    skip the damsels unless you really like them as a fish as it would be better to cycle the tank with a peice of frozen shrimp and when done you don't have to try and catch the damsel to get it out. as for fake plants. Polyps will live with that light as will mushrooms. You should probably think...
  10. hondo

    CPR BakPak 2R - Bubble Nuisance

    Learn to live with the bubbles as it will make them on and off for as long as you have this skimmer. Don't beleive me go to their site and check out their message board as almost all the threads are regarding bubbles. Like all CPR equipment they will sell you attachments to make...
  11. hondo

    help! recent deaths in my tank, need insight!

    need some more info. Test the water and post the results as maybe you have a nitrate, amonia or nitrite spike. what is your current lighting as that may account for why the carpet died as they need intense light.
  12. hondo

    What can I keep?

    to recomend a skimmer we need to know what size tank you have and some bioload info would also help. also are you looking for a Hang on the back ro a sump skimmer. For corals it looks like you could ad pretty much anything but it's always best to start with things that are easy to care for and...
  13. hondo

    Stocking a cleanup crew in a 125 gal!

    it's best to get a divers clean up crew consisting of several different types of snails and few if any crabs. for snails go with the following: Trouchas 25, absolutely the best algea eaters and they can turn themselves over if they need to so they last a long time. Nassaurius 30, great sand bed...
  14. hondo

    add more sand

    if you already had a sand bed in the tank then the easiest thing to do is buy dry sand and put it on top of the live sand already in your tank. Don't put more than 1/2"on top of the existing sand bed at any one time and wait about a week before adding any more as you don't want to bury the LS...
  15. hondo

    mentally challenged snail ?

    he is eating the algae on the power head intake. Mine do that and they are not stuck just feeding. As long as there is something to eat there he will always go back.
  16. hondo

    SeaClone Protein Skimmer - Thoughts?

    I have one in my 50g reef and it does a good job though I don't think it can handle a 100g tank. One word of caution though this thing is very intrusive as a HOB as you will end up with a large filter pad and a maxi 1200 on the back of your tank, and that is not the most astetic appearance. I...
  17. hondo

    Wife Update! Not hooked, but snagged.

    congrats on getting the wife to the "Dark Side". One suggestion though if your going to a larger tank go to the 75g as the 55 is difficult to aquascape. I chose the 50g over the 75 to save a few $$ and it was the biggest mistake I have made in this hobby (after starting out with cc that is). The...
  18. hondo

    power heads

    I personally use Maxijet and have no complaints. Stay away from the rio's. The other two I have never used but also have never heard anything negative about them.
  19. hondo

    Where to buy an Overflow?

    go with a Life Reef overflow, they are simply the best. Stay away from the CPR unless you don't mind hooking up a PH to it so it keeps it's siphon. is the site and they are the best and the most reliable HOB overflows.
  20. hondo

    Any hints for setup-aquafuge

    I have a aquafuge on my 37g reef tank. It's an OK product but not worth the Money. It also has some problems in the design as the siphon return needs to be cleared of air bubble build up every couple of weeks or it loses siphon and you get a flood. the rio PH it comes with needs to be broken...