Search results

  1. hondo

    reef aquatic landscapers advice needed

    For corals that sway and move with the water current go with a Toadstool. Some great LPS are bubbles or hammers. Pulsing xenia is a great looking swaying coral but can be considered a weed by some people. tree corals are also nice looking. All of these are pretty hardy and should do well in your...
  2. hondo

    Strange yellow tang behavior

    I have a yellow tang that has been in my tank for over a year. In the past 3 months he started hovering over a toadstool and picking at it's crown. I know he's not bothering the coral as the polyps are out the whole time he does this. I am just wondering what he is eating off this toadstool...
  3. hondo

    Need some DIY Metal Halide Ballast wiring

    bought two Advance 71A5770-001D 250w ballast kits. now I need some help with the wiring directions. Anybody who has used these please give me a step by step wiriing instruction. The kit comes with a ballast and capacitor and I am pretty much lost as to how to wire it up.
  4. hondo

    need opinion on check valves

    I am setting up an acrylic tank with twin overflows and was wondering what the general consensus was regarding check valves. worth putting in and work great, or not worth putting in because they really don't work.
  5. hondo

    star polyp coral

    the edge of the growth is white but the mat is mainly purple. I also have some sponge growth in the GSP which is really only visable when the polyps are not out.
  6. hondo

    GSP vs. Crocea clam

    A patch of GSP in my tank which started out the size of a nickle is now about 8" wide growing toward an adjecent rock which has a crocea clam anchored in it. The GSP has grown up to the edge of the clam (which is attached down in a crevice of the rock). I don't think the GSP will harm the clam...
  7. hondo

    Am I doing something right? Or wrong?

    no predators in the tank means things that normally come out at night when they feel somewhat safe will now come out during a lighting period. Sounds like you have lot's of stuff that hitchhiked in on the Lr which is usually good (predator crabs and mantis shrimp are bad hitchikers). For the...
  8. hondo

    Yellow Tang

    a tang in a 29g will probably always battle ich since it is obviously stressed from being in such a small tank. They really belong in larger (4' - 8') tanks as they love to swim, even the small ones. Do yourself and the tang a favor and take it back and get a fish more suitable for your 29g...
  9. hondo

    I have had new lights for almost two month and....

    Calcium at 400+ and DKH at 8+ = good corraline growth. Light has very little to do with it as too much light and the corraline bleachs and dies off. As stated earlier good flow through the tank helps spread it around. If you have a rock with some growth on it point a PH at it and get the calcium...
  10. hondo

    Sand bed

    you can add dry sand over the top of the live sand and the dry will become live. Just add it slowly and don't add more than 1/2" at a time as you don't want to kill off your live sand by burying it under the new dry sand. Add 1/2" wait 4-5 days then add more if you want until you get to the...
  11. hondo

    Questions about filtration by lr and ls!

    more LR = More filtration. You already have plenty why do you think you need more? don't get me wrong I'm never against adding more LR (I wish I could afford to) as it adds more life in the tank in addition to increasing your filtration.
  12. hondo

    how much turnover?

    minimum 10X is recomended, more if possible. I usually run close to 18X on my 50g reef which is mostly softies and LPS. On my 37g tank which is SPS and LPS I run about 15X.
  13. hondo

    What would be a good skimmer for a 20 gallon?

    for a 20g tank I would go with a prism. It's cheap but will handle the bioload of your 20g with out a problem.
  14. hondo


    A sump allows you to increase your water volume which helps stabalize the water. It also gives you a place to put your equipment (skimmer, heater, filter) out of sight so your display tank is just that. It helps with gas exchange since you are also increasing the amount of water suface you have...
  15. hondo

    Reef or Fish Only

    for either tank either substrate will do but most prefer sand, and or a deep sand bed (DSB) 4" deep as this will help eliminate nitrate buildup. The main knock on CC is that it traps detrious which create nitrates and it does nothing to reduce nitrates. more importaly is your lighting needs. If...
  16. hondo


    more is better. try shooting for 10X your tank size or 750 gph minimum. But like I said before more is better
  17. hondo

    Distance for lighting?

    you really don't want a cover. It will reduce the light intensity in addition to reducing the gas exchange. If your worried about jumping fish use plastic light diffuser along the open areas on the back of your canopy so there are no open gaps for fish to jump through. As for light placement in...
  18. hondo

    Southdown playsand?

  19. hondo

    Southdown playsand?

    Adding sand to an established tank is messy but not that hard. first remove the CC if that is what you have. If you have sand and are just adding more sand then all you need to remember is to not add more than 1/2" at any one time (wait 3 or 4 days before adding any more) so you don't kill your...
  20. hondo

    Anemone is dying.... HELP!!!!

    need more info What kind of anemone is it? How old is your tank set up? What is your tank set up? What is your lighting? (very important) What are your water perameters?