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  1. hondo

    Overflow Question

    try a Life reef overflow more expensive than a CPR but they work 100% of the time without fail. go to for info. BTW do you have a PH hooked up to your CPR overflow? If not you may want to try doing this and avoid the cost of a new overflow.
  2. hondo


    any crab you put in there will become a snack for the fish and eels.
  3. hondo

    Refugium question??? Please help

    short answer is yes. for more detail we need to know more about your tank. glass or acryllic dimensions stand info and dimensions of space under stand how much room between back of tank and wall If you have a glass tank you can get a hang on overflow and then do DIY pvc plumbing for the return...
  4. hondo

    coralbanded shrimp ?

    It might have started to molt as my CBS always seem to molt if I do a major water change or when I move them to a new tank. If they molt they will hide for a day or two. Not to mention it may just be hiding anyway. Also How sure are you they were a "Mated Pair" if they were really not a mated...
  5. hondo

    what else for clean up

    like the above post I would add a couple of fighting conch and also some nassarius snails. both of these will specificly clean your sand bed. You might want to add some trouchas, cerith, stomatella snails as well. These are three good snails to have as they will readily reproduce in your tank...
  6. hondo

    Clean up crew, how many?

    Think diversity when you buy your clean up crew. You want to go heavy on the snails as they are great cleaners and don't cause problems. Go with trouchas, cerith, margarita, strombas, nassarius, fighting conch. for hermits only go with the scarlet hermits as they are the least likely to kill off...
  7. hondo

    are hang on filters worth anything?

    I still run a 330 biowheel unit (biowheels removed) on my 50g reef for circulation and also to run carbon once a month. I also from time to time run phosphate remover in the 330 as well. I think they do a great job of circulating water and makes it easier to run carbon.
  8. hondo

    starting my DIY overflow box/sump tomorrow - last minute questions

    the mag 7 is fine for your tank I use one for my 50. water will only syphon out of the tank at the same rate it is returned so you do not need the ball valve on the syphon side but do put one on the return so you can reduce the flow if you want to and when doing maintenance you can stop the back...
  9. hondo

    where to place mushroom coral

    Mushrooms don't need much light so probably down on the bottom of the tank and not directly under the MH. It was proably not under MH lighting where you got it so it will take some time to get adjusted to the MH light intensity.
  10. hondo

    clean up crew

    definitely wait until the cycle ends before adding any clean up crew. also you might want to consider removing the damsels after the cycle as they are real mean and will cause you lots of problems. Better to remove them now then after you get everyting just the way you want it as most likely you...
  11. hondo

    Keeping sand clean

    I would agree the best sand bed sifters/cleaners are nassarius snails and fighting conch's. also a good worm population will also do wonders for keeping a sand bed clean.
  12. hondo

    Moving across country, need advice

    I'm driving and my tanks are being shipped along with my furniture by a moving company. I thought about moving the coral to a large rubbermade container but I will have no way to keep temp stable during the four day drive. also once I get there my tanks will probably be 1 week behind me and then...
  13. hondo

    Anemones for the poor

    My false perc lives in a large hammer coral. took it about six months before he went to the coral but he hasn't left it since he found it (8 months ago). Also have a tomato clown that uses a flower pot for a host. You don't need an anemone for these fish as they also use various corals as a host...
  14. hondo

    Moving across country, need advice

    Moving from Portland OR. to San Antonio TX and was looking for advice on moving a reef across country. Have a 50 gal reef and a 40 gal reef. Am I screwed and need to sell everthing and start over or is there a way to do this.
  15. hondo

    Overflow System?

    try they make what is considered the best HOB overflow. I have one and it works great, never loses siphon, always restarts itself after a power outage. they are a little expensive but like all things in life you get what you pay for.
  16. hondo

    Any San Antonio TX LFS info

    I am thinking of relocating to this city does anyone on this board live in the area who could give me a rundown of the LFS here.
  17. hondo

    Halimeda Plant- good as other caulerpa?

    it's good but it will also use up allot of calcium. Be careful when you prune it as it doesn't respond well to being cut off too short.
  18. hondo

    White dots on Red Shrooms???

    I have the same thing and they come and go. Hasn't effected the shrooms in the least little bit though. Not sure what it is just wanted to let you know it seems to be common occurance.
  19. hondo

    Mixing Clowns

    I wouldn't add a third as that is asking for trouble. as far as a different type. pretty much the same answer in your size tank. I have a false perc and added a tomato (bad choice on my part due to inexperience) to a 4' 50g tank and they battled every day until I removed the tomato to another...
  20. hondo

    reef aquatic landscapers advice needed

    there are easy to keep soft and hard corals just like hard to keep soft and hard. Hard do need more calcium especially SPS like the acro's you mentioned. I would stay away from those unless you are upgrading your lights as they need real intense light like MH lighting. pretty much all you...