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  1. hondo

    My two small reef tanks

    This is my 37g reef with 175w MH and 75w VHO. It's been up and running for several years but became a reef 16 months ago.
  2. hondo

    Is this a Baby Flower Pot

    FYI, What I am talking about is just to the left of the SPS frag.
  3. hondo

    Is this a Baby Flower Pot

    For over a year and a half I had a real nioce branching flower pot coral in this tank. then after switching out my lights from PC to 175 MH with VHO actinics it died. A few weeks ago my wife noticed this growth down in a rock crevice and she thinks (and so do I) that it is a small growth of...
  4. hondo

    Pics of people's clownfish hosting with corals other then Anemomes

    OK first try at attaching a photo. since I'm a computer dummy this will probably fail so I will describe the photo. It's my hammer coral which is home to my false perc.
  5. hondo

    Tomato Clown declares war on SPS frag

    I tired glueing it down and the clown knocked it right back off the rock before the glue set up. I glued it again and he has left it alone long enough for the glue to set up so hopefully he will get used to it and leave it alone.
  6. hondo

    Tomato Clown declares war on SPS frag

    I have had this tomato clown for something like two years now. He's in a 37g reef tank with a firefish and a clown goby. No problems until last week I picked up a small SPS frag about 1" X 1" attached to a small flat rock. for a week now I have been coming home to find the frag laying upside...
  7. hondo

    Caulerpa Question

    Only danger is having it grow out of control in your display tank. without a predator (tang) to munch it it could take over the tank. some people grow it in their display tanks but they usually have something in the tank to control it's growth (tang). Not recomending that you get a tang just...
  8. hondo

    ID, snail with no shell?

    Looks like a stometella. They are great to have and they will reproduce in your tank.
  9. hondo

    ot - how much have you spent on your tank?

    short answer is Way too much to ever admit to anyone including myself. "Stay ignorant stay happy" is my credo when it comes to how much the reef costs.
  10. hondo

    Firefish question

    well a friend it shall be then. It's no fun having a fish you never get to see. Hopefuly adding another firefish will do the trick.
  11. hondo

    Firefish question

    I currently have a firefish in my 37g reef along with a clown goby and a small tomato clown. He does not get bullied by the clown but rarely comes out in view. He has a regular pattern of coming out from the roocks around 6:00pm - 7:00pm each night and goes back into hiding about 9:00pm about an...
  12. hondo

    PROJECT COSTS $$$$$$ and a thank you

    Lots of ways to do this some expensive, some cheap but all are effective. I will explain a cheap way to do things. LR for a 180g reef your going to need 180 - 250 lbs. This is very expensive and the only real cheap way to go is mix base rock with lr and it will all be live in time. Buy 90lbs of...
  13. hondo

    Crash and Burn!

    Only thing close to this happening to me was two years ago when I went out of town on vacation and the person who was watching my tank closed all the windows in august because she thought it might rain and failed to turn the AC on. Well after a few 90 degree days I lost 3 of my 4 fish to Ich...
  14. hondo

    175 MH bulb question

    I am needing to replace my POS 12,000k sunburst bulb. Was looking at the 10,000k Ushio but noted on another website they recomend a pulse start ballast and not a probe start ballast like I have (advance ballast ansi code m57). What does everyone recomend for 175 MH, and has anybody experienced...
  15. hondo

    Fuge for a 50???

    you can try wwwwwwwwwww for their products which include the aquafuge series. But I will tell you if your looking for just something to grow pods in they are OK but if Nitrate removal is your goal your tank is too big for even their largest unit to have any real impact. I have a 50g and tried...
  16. hondo

    additives to reef tank.

    Personally I have found that my tank is healthier and much more stable by not doing any dosing but relying on regular water changes to replace trace elements. Of course I still have to dose for calcium and Alk but that is all I have done for the past year and a half. Be careful of over dosing...
  17. hondo

    hammer coral ?

    It's agreesive in that it's polyps will expand out to more than twice their normal size and will sting and kill other corals. Make sure you have it far enough away from any other coral . They are a great LPS to have and easy to care for. also mine has now become the home of my false perc who...
  18. hondo

    Tang Problem

    Came home yesterday and found my pulsing xenia half eaten. where there were two stalks with one splittling into a third there was now only one and a stub. I couldn't figure it out until an hour or so later when my yellow tang who I've had for almost two years went over to the xenia and started...
  19. hondo

    lighting needs

    If price is an issue then go the DIY route and do things in steps. Start with the VHO portion and either go with a Ice Cap 660 and install it yourself or you could go with a couple of work horse 7 ballasts. These are great little ballast and they are cheap and easy to work with. This stuff is...
  20. hondo

    refugium vs sump conversion

    The HOB refugium works on smaller tanks but your 46g would be pushing it as these things are not that big. they are better for growing pods than reducing nitrates since they are so small. I would probably just go ahead an either change out your sump to a refugium if it's big enough and if it's...