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  1. zero26

    Shocking discovery today

    that sucks, wouldn't a ground probe stop you from getting electrocuted?
  2. zero26

    CBS Temperment

    Ya mine is about 2 yrs old and he grabbed my cardinal and ate him
  3. zero26

    Toadstool is changing colors, HELP

    I am afraid if I move him anywhere else he might get knocked over. He's in pretty good flow now, if you watch you can see him jiggling back and forth in the current. I need to get some glue to secure him to a rock.
  4. zero26

    Toadstool is changing colors, HELP

    All of my tests are API. I only have one Red Sea and thats ALK.
  5. zero26

    Toadstool is changing colors, HELP

    When it sheds does it excrete a brown substance?
  6. zero26

    Toadstool is changing colors, HELP

    Ok, won't breath a sigh yet. When you investigate what do you look for? Heres what I got, at the moment as seen in my other posts that I am battling a diatom bloom, a big one. And hair algae. My water tests are: Ammonia .025 cant seem to get it to zero ever since I started nitrites 0 nitrates 0...
  7. zero26

    Toadstool is changing colors, HELP

    All of my 6 t5 bulbs are about 2 months old. It was green when I got it so maybe the color is fading? Weird.
  8. zero26

    Toadstool is changing colors, HELP

    Everything was going good with my toadstool until yesterday when I noticed it changing colors, on the edges from green to brown. Did a water change on Sat. Tested water parameters today and everything is good. Whats happening?
  9. zero26

    Tank smelling the house up?

    I havent really been running much carbon. Under my stand the back is all open and I have a 12" fan blowing on the return section of the sump to help cool the tank. Right now I am running some Kent Nitrate sponge at the bottom of my baffle in a bag, so the water has to pass right through it. If I...
  10. zero26

    Tank smelling the house up?

    more like a fish store smell, no rotten eggs.
  11. zero26

    Tank smelling the house up?

    Hey guys dealing with a diatom bloom and hair algae, tank is 2 months old. But I am noticing a smell not a bad smell just a fish tank smell, kinda annoying. Doing regular water changes 10% a week. I guess the smell is just all the algae. I did notice that there was algae in my overflow. Its the...
  12. zero26

    hair algae i give up you win

    Would that algaefix marine harm your chaeto too?
  13. zero26

    Could this be the dreaded ich?

    Heres a pic of my yellow tang too, hes a big boy.
  14. zero26

    Could this be the dreaded ich?

    Fish wise, yellow tang, blue damsel, black and white clown, firefish goby. Various snails and hermits. Peppermints. BTA. Some mushrooms, and softies, and finally a Blue linkia
  15. zero26

    Could this be the dreaded ich?

    Noticed on my clown today a little white spot on his top fin. Is this the being of ICH? No other fish so any symptoms. Or could he have just bumped himself? He's not rubbing on rocks or anything like that.
  16. zero26

    Diatom Bloom, and Hair Algae

    Its not setting the world on fire but it looks like its growing. I have as much flow as I can running through there before it starts going airborne. I know it like to be tumbled but all the loose stuff makes its way in my DT. I run a 6500K CFL floodlight bulb for 8 hrs at night over it.
  17. zero26

    Diatom Bloom, and Hair Algae

    Yes, thats all I run is RO/DI water. I also have a sump and cheato. I have read about Marine Algaefix, alot of people love that stuff. Anybody ever used it?
  18. zero26

    nitrate issues

    How about that stuff kent makes Nitrate sponge?
  19. zero26

    BTA wont take food

    its been almost a week since I fed him last and last night he took the piece of shrimp, so I guess I will feed him once a week!
  20. zero26

    Diatom Bloom, and Hair Algae

    Yes 10% every week