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  1. zero26

    Diatom Bloom, and Hair Algae

  2. zero26

    Diatom Bloom, and Hair Algae

    My tank now is almost two months old and I am dealing with the Diatom Bloom and Hair algae. It seems I am losing the battle my clean crew is 15 Nassarius, 6 turbos, 6 astreas, 11 ceirth, 20 hermits, and 3 peppermint shrimp. I have a bulk reef RO/DI setup. My nitrates are hovering right at 10...
  3. zero26


    wish I had the cash for a vortech!
  4. zero26

    can two species of clowns co exist in one tank?

    I have a black and white perc and a false and they never separate, best buds!
  5. zero26

    BTA wont take food

    Yes there are alot of pods in my system so maybe that is filling him up! I also have a missing cardinal, tiny one. Either he or the Coral Banded shrimp ate him!
  6. zero26

    Best shrimp

    I caught my Coral Banded Shrimp eating one of my peppermints, and he is under suspicion of eating my little cardinal, banished to the fuge! I have bad luck with my peppermint's, I have alot of aiptasia and they seem not to even touch it!
  7. zero26

    Filtering out the particle in my tank

    Cool thanks man I'll give it a try!
  8. zero26

    BTA all closed up?

    Just noticed in the middle of the day, he closed up again. Just baffles me, all water parameters are the same , I guess he's doing something.
  9. zero26

    Filtering out the particle in my tank

    Yes I do have a sump, filter sock the way to go? Alot of people hate those things!
  10. zero26

    Mushrooms Not Opening

    I know man sorry!
  11. zero26

    Mushrooms Not Opening

    Whe i got my green ric's they opened right after dropping them in.
  12. zero26

    Let me know what you think of my tank, please.

    My Yellow Tang is pretty dominant.
  13. zero26

    Reef C e n t r a l GONE!!!!

    I just checked the -- site and it says they are coming back online soon.
  14. zero26

    Filtering out the particle in my tank

    Right now, I am not really running any filters except for LR and cheato. I know that it can be a nitrate trap, but is there any way to filter out the bigger particles that I see floating around my DT? Could I buy one of those filter pads and stick it between one of my baffles, so the water has...
  15. zero26

    BTA all closed up?

    They are weird creatures, it was closed for about an hour then when the lights kicked on, opened back up.
  16. zero26

    What type of plant is this?

    What is this plant? Its a hitchhiker, should it be removed? Thank you! Its in the right side of the pic
  17. zero26

    Sort of confused on acclimating corals

    On this site on the flash acclimation guide it says to float corals and drop them in, but under the description it says 1 hour, should I just float my corals and zoo's?
  18. zero26

    ever see a Coral Banded Shrimp eat a fish?

    or kill I should say...
  19. zero26

    ever see a Coral Banded Shrimp eat a fish?

    Ya he got him, I believe. I have since moved him to my refuge, where currently there is nothing he can eat.
  20. zero26

    BTA all closed up?

    Hey guys sorry for the 20 questions about my BTA. This morning I noticed that my BTA was all closed up and cannot see any of its tips. He has been on the move a bit. The lights are still off in the tank, is this normal? Thanks