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  1. connor

    What's the worst aquarium related smell you've experienced?

    when i fragged my rhodactis mushroom blagh one of the wost smells it smelled SOOO WIERD!
  2. connor

    WTT: EvilMel's Zoas for other Zoas

    Originally Posted by jeemann99 do you have any rics or yumas? what colors? i have a big teal ric i would trade for some zoos.
  3. connor

    WTT: EvilMel's Zoas for other Zoas

    i have a blastomussa fraG
  4. connor

    Nudilove's Tank Diary!

    VERY cool zoo rock and sorry about the 6 line
  5. connor

    frogfish reef?????????

    ok i wont be getting frogfish for that tank!!! can someone say new species tank!!!!!!!! :cheer:
  6. connor

    frogfish reef

    ok thanks everyone i will not be buying any frogfish then
  7. connor

    I have crabs!

    you wouldnt want gorilla crab they eat fish.
  8. connor

    have blastomussa frags!! will trade for other corals.

    clarki are you still interested i NEED a frag of those zoos
  9. connor

    frogfish reef

    ohhh hmmmmmmm not sure about this idea need more suggestions :thinking:
  10. connor

    Pics of my 26 bow

    VERY cool tank!!
  11. connor

    The whole gang in one shot

    very cool shot and i love that blueface!!!
  12. connor

    frogfish reef?????????

    i have a 90 gallon reef w/ lps sps and softies and a pink and blue watchman goby and 1 4inck pistol shrimp could i keep 2-3 frogfishes in there like A. nummifer or A. hispidus thanks Connor
  13. connor

    frogfish reef

    the only inverts i have are 1 pistol shrimp big like 3-4 inches and a watchman goby whos verybig 5 inches could i get like 2 frogfish? the tank is a 90 gallon reef sps lps and softies thanks connor
  14. connor

    have blastomussa frags!! will trade for other corals.

    for the rest of yous who wanna trade my emil is fishboyyATbellsouthDOTnet
  15. connor

    green leaf fish safe for reef??

    well cant find ANY info stating if there reef safe or not?
  16. connor

    Are You Feeding DT'S Phytoplankton?

    i feed 2-3 times a week i have 2 croceas lots of softies and lps and a few sps i feed about 2 capfuls to my 90 gallon
  17. connor

    green leaf fish safe for reef??

    im pretty sure its monacanthus chinensis thansk so much im reaserching righjt now i just wanted to tell you job well done thanks!
  18. connor

    green leaf fish safe for reef??

    ok thanks i will try that now!