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  1. prime311

    Predator Tanks & Refugiums

    Ive got a monster chaeto farm in my sump.
  2. prime311!

    My old puffer(before he decided to go carpet surfing) would freak out over people he didnt know sometimes and go hide with his tail to his side. He got over it after a few hours. Its also a possibility that there was some aggression between the 2 though as puffers are known lion fin nippers.
  3. prime311

    Trigger Police?

    I have a harlequin tusk thats really aggressive(he tore up a little foxface i had) and my Huma taunts him until the tusk starts chasing him and when the tusk gives up then the huma will start following him again. Hes like a passive aggresive picasso. Suffice to say my tusk seems to have...
  4. prime311

    Keeping two Niger Triggers or Puffers?

    The general rule with Puffers is to not keep 2 similar ones together, including 2 Porcs. I'm really not sure how thats going to work out for you. They are solitary hunters and will likely view another puffer as competition. At their youngest its fine and not uncommon to see like 5 baby Porcs...
  5. prime311

    Funny trigger sleeping habits

    Mine sleeps in the PVC I have more my Eel, right below the place my puffer is always chilling. I also only see his tail sticking out while hes doing that.
  6. prime311

    4 inch hermit crab

    Originally Posted by jackri I wouldn't go without a CUC IMO unless I had an aggressive Fish only tank. I can't clean among the corals and clams like my snails and hermits... I just vacuum up all the waste I can. This is the aggressive forum after all :p Yes, I'd have a CUC in a reef tank...
  7. prime311

    disappearing niger trigger

    Originally Posted by ironeagle2006 After seeing how much food my 22 inch SFE can pack away it might have happened. MY SFE tonight decided to eat 3 large shrimp the U30 a pound before he was done sucker looks like he ate a freaking Golf Ball know. However this is after eating 2 oz of squid...
  8. prime311

    4 inch hermit crab

    Originally Posted by RCreations Well, right now it's behind some rocks. But as soon as it comes out, I'll take a picture. The reason I got it is because my puffer and lunar wrasse are eating all my small hermits. I mean they're eating them in a matter of days. So I was hoping this big one...
  9. prime311

    feeding lion and puffer, how often?

    Eh well an Angel is potentially almost as bad with Lions as Triggers are. Why don't you get like a Foxface or a Maroon Clown.
  10. prime311

    feeding lion and puffer, how often?

    I'm pretty sure pleasants has had these 2 together for awhile already. Any problems between the 2 should've cropped up by now, but its certainly something to keep an eye on should the tank dynamic change.
  11. prime311

    2 dead

    I dont think a Lion will attack a fish unless they were small enough to be food. They arent really agressive per se.
  12. prime311

    harlequin tuskfish

    My tusk is a jacka$$. I'm fairly sure he took a chunk out of my foxface's tail. Now that I added a Humu he spends way too much time chasing him around, but at least now he seems too occupied with the Humu to bother my less aggressive Fox or Angel. He's real skittish so I'm not sure maybe his...
  13. prime311

    harlequin tuskfish

    My tusk is a [hr] . I'm fairly sure he took a chunk out of my foxface's tail. Now that I added a Humu he spends way too much time chasing him around, but at least seems too occupied to bother my less aggressive Fox or Angel.
  14. prime311

    Foxface with HLLE

    Yes, I only have 1 fish in QT at a time. Not sure if you misunderstood something i said. :)
  15. prime311

    Foxface with HLLE

    I'm not ignoring you or anything, my wife sold our camera and I've been waiting for her to get a new one. I'll post a picture soon. The Fox does seem to be a little better though. I recently added a Humu from my QT, I know the Humu wasn't the cause of problems cause the Foxface issues started...
  16. prime311

    dirty ray? plus other ?'s (pics)

    I dont know much about rays I just wanted to say that I'm jealous :D
  17. prime311

    Trigger vs. Scorpionfish?

    Originally Posted by thebrohem As far as tank size goes, a dogface is fine in a 55 a This is why I don't listen to people that work at pet stores. But its cool, keep thinking you're Dogface that can grow over a foot long will be fine in a 3' by 1' tank.
  18. prime311

    puffer vs anemone

    I dont think a puffer will mess with an anemone.
  19. prime311

    Porcupine puffer question

    Originally Posted by usirchchris Another factor is the fact that all fish are different and have very different personalities IME.
  20. prime311

    My Puffer seems unhappy

    Put the food on a feeding prong and rub it against his mouth until he bites at it. This is how I got my latest puffer to eat.