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  1. reef fool

    Anthelia Polyps over running the tank

    Originally posted by fishkid1000 How big is your tank?If you have a ton of colonies you could intriduce some pepperment shrimp and the would manage it. I have 3 peppermints and they barely manage to come out of the rocks!
  2. reef fool


    Coral Banded
  3. reef fool


    Fire shrimp
  4. reef fool


    one of my 2 cleaner shrimp
  5. reef fool

    Tank shot of the 125

    Originally posted by .357 Nice set up. How far is the tank from the sump room?:rolleyes: Thanks, The tank is one floor up and one room over. About 10' of pipe total.
  6. reef fool

    Well now I'm lost....

    Definitely go w/ reef ready. Less headaches and less flooding!! Usually the pipes are offered extra. Definitely a good first investment to upgrade to RR. You may still want a skimmer in or on your sump, even with a refugium.
  7. reef fool

    phosphate sponge?

    I agree that macro is the best long term answer, but if you must use a phosphate absorbant, I highly recommend ROWAPhos. Do a search, you'll find it. The good thing about ROWAPhos is that it won't leach back the bad stuff when exausted. A few others work the same(I believe they are Iron based)...
  8. reef fool

    ok a little 6 pak from me too

    Keep em comin' Plum! My eyes are thirsty!!
  9. reef fool

    which test kit?

    Salifert all the way. This site has very good prices on them. Why nickel and dime?! BTW, I am not sure about everyone, but my salifert pH kit is a little annoying compared to my others. Colors are tough to distinguish. All the rest of Salifertsare perfect though.
  10. reef fool

    zoo 6 pack

    Awesome zoos Graham!!!! Funny, looking at your signature, we both have the same occupation:D
  11. reef fool

    Anthelia Polyps over running the tank

    Originally posted by junbug1970 i'd be more than happy to get some frags of it ;) :rolleyes: if you want to get rid of some I will let you know when I chop em' up. You pay the shipping, free polyps
  12. reef fool

    Tank shot of the 125

    Originally posted by KrUnK that is a huge colt (thats a colt right) Nice looking tank reef fool. Yeah Krunk, time to frag that sucker again. Thanks Man:)
  13. reef fool

    Tank shot of the 125

    The whole sump room
  14. reef fool

    Tank shot of the 125

    Here's the sump
  15. reef fool

    Tank shot of the 125

    Sump room (sorry, a little messy!) Here's the fuge with chiller above
  16. reef fool

    zoo 6 pack

    Just picked these babies up last week PINK ZOOS
  17. reef fool

    Anthelia Polyps over running the tank

    I put 3 small polyps in a hole in my LR about 4 months ago and now they are over running my tank. Has anyone ever had any experience with fragging these? Is there any way to do it without having to break the LR into peices?
  18. reef fool

    Tank shot of the 125

  19. reef fool

    Tank shot of the 125

    other side
  20. reef fool

    Tank shot of the 125

    It's been a while since I posted a tank shot so here goes.