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  1. reef fool

    Frags to trade

    I have a few frags I want to trade. TRADE being the key word. I would like some zoos for zoos and anyting else for others. Basically looking for stuff I don't have. Here are my pink zoos
  2. reef fool

    Are Cleaner Shrimp worth it

    Shrimp are the most amusing things in my reef. My cleaners and blood shrimp are always out anticipating a snack. I have actually seen my cleaner ride my hippo tang for a few feet on two occasions. ROFL:D IMO, a reef without shrimp is INCOMPLETE! Acclimation is tough. Lost my first cleaner to bad...
  3. reef fool

    what really ticks you off about the hobby

    The most aggravating for me is planning a large reef tank in the wall and the wife telling me to make sure I have enough $$ left for a lawyer. Damn...and I have a perfect wall for a tank..a big tank!!! Anyone know a cheap divorce lawyer? Oh yeah...and why is this post in photography?
  4. reef fool

    sunday 9 pack

    Originally posted by dima96 yeah i think your right about the frogspawn. so i must have 2 different flavors, still cool. Definitely cool. Great looking reef!!!:cool:
  5. reef fool

    sunday 9 pack

    Here is a torch
  6. reef fool

    sunday 9 pack

    Some nice pics, but I think your torch is really a frogspawn. Here is a frogspawn
  7. reef fool

    Foxface in a reef tank?

    Just wondering, does anyone have one in a reef tank or any experience with one in a reef? I have read that they pick at polyps of soft corals and may eat the polyps.
  8. reef fool

    Old Yeller Tang

    Originally posted by MichaelTX the ones that climb the glass are actually queen conchs not fighting conchs they look very similiar though. fighting conchs cant climb glass. FWIW Mike OK thanks, I guess I have queens then. Look the same to me. Besides how big they will get and that they climb...
  9. reef fool

    Old Yeller Tang

    I bought some sand sifting cerith snails form this site and they do a fine job on the sandbed. I also picked up a few fighting conches a while back, and they do climb the glass. My older ones don't :confused: WEIRD!
  10. reef fool

    How did everyone that was affected make out with the black out?

    BLUEBERRYBOOMER and MarineMarty sorry to hear of your losses. Blueberry, I hope that emperator makes it, as I told you before, my all time favorite angel. BEAUTIFUL fish...Best of luck. Lost power here for 12 hours. I was very unprepared. I do have a generator I use for work, but I only had 1/2...
  11. reef fool

    LUX Meter

    Bang Guy, just one more question, if you don't mind. After the initial break in period, how evenly do the bulbs wear? Do they loose quality slowly and evenly or do they seem to go fast after a certain point? Reason I am asking is, I have 5 bulbs that are from 6-7 months old and I now have a lux...
  12. reef fool

    Portable Generators

    A word of advice on the cheap ones, you need to check the harmonic distortion on the generator. If it is high, you get fluctuations in current and can burn up electric motors on refrigerators, freezers, etc... Just some advice given to me by an electrician friend. Coleman is a good example of a...
  13. reef fool

    LUX Meter

    Check E-Bay, Quite a few there
  14. reef fool


    No doubt, A LOBSTER!!
  15. reef fool

    LUX Meter

    Bang Guy, I use URI Super Actinic and White Actinic. How does white actinic compare to Aqua Sun? More life or less? I am very happy with the look and so are my corals
  16. reef fool


    Sorry cause I was wrong! You were right! Don't know what I was thinkin! That's why this board consists of more than me!:D
  17. reef fool

    Suggestions on a heater

    Highly recommend titanium heaters!!! They don't burst like glass and have served me well! I don't have digital though.
  18. reef fool

    Large and aggressive

    Watch out for the eye!!!
  19. reef fool

    glass top?

    The main problem with glass top IME is 1) Keeps heat in or makes it worse 2) lessens gas exchange 3) when salt accumulates, can block beneficial light (need to keep it clean)
  20. reef fool


    Originally posted by SPSfreak100 The Capnella spp. is not a good starter coral for beginners. They do best in mature aquariums over 7 months old. They can be dificult to care for in an under established tank and can die of fairly quickly. Take Care, Graham My Badd Sorry, Frank How about GSP?