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  1. reef fool

    Need help with first coral

    Originally posted by sandman12 The only reason i have patience is becuase i never have money so that slows me down alot:D You will have much less $$ without patience!! Just dose some B-Ionic ( calcium and Alkalinity) until you are able to maintain proper Ca and Alk. levels (400-450 Ca &...
  2. reef fool

    Frags to trade

    Hey Kickster' How's the car? Still hanging onto these pink zoos for you! Keep me posted on the swap. Thanks, Frank
  3. reef fool

    Ok now i am stuck cyano in fuge

    I have had cyano outbreaks in my fuge. It did seem to choke the colerpa somewhat, but it never showed it's ugly face in the display. The only remedy I tried was a small powerhead. I used one of those free mini-jets that you get with Reef Crystals and set it on low flow. It seemed to help.
  4. reef fool

    OT: Stop the maddness

    A LFS here was actually selling one of those eclipse systems w/ LR and LS all set up with a tiny percula, a tiny hippo tang, and an anenome for $135. It was set up right at the register to try to bait in their regular mammal, bird, and reptile owning customers into the SW fish world ...
  5. reef fool

    Six line wrasse

    The only problem I had with my 6-line is that he became very aggressive toward any small new addition I tried to add. (ie. clown goby, mandarin) He is an awesome little fish though. Very active. Always zipping in and out of the rockwork.
  6. reef fool


    Originally posted by kpk what do you do and is it for filtration or for growing stuff Do a search for different designs. Refugiums have a couple of uses. I use mine for nitrate and phosphate elimination by way of macro algaes and a DSB as well as a breeding ground for mysis shrimp, snails...
  7. reef fool


    unfortunately, after you add shipping to any online coral purchase, your up to $50-$80 anyway.
  8. reef fool


    Although very expensive, the 4 volume set " The Modern Coral Reef Aquarium" By Fossa & Nilsen is awesome! I also strongly agree with the suggestion of "The Concientious Marine Aquarist" by Fenner. Great info for someone starting out IMO
  9. reef fool

    Which Starfish?

    I would suggest maybe a brittle star or a serpent star. You can at least feed these types during regular fish feedings. Stay away from linkia types, they will only starve.
  10. reef fool

    Frags to trade

    I'll ship. Whacha got?
  11. reef fool

    Frags to trade

    Ok COOL. the pink ones are already seperate on their own rock. Have been that way for a month now. Just drop me a line when your ready. Frank
  12. reef fool

    Frags to trade

    Hey kickster, is it gonna happen or no?
  13. reef fool

    Frags to trade

    E-Mail me when you're ready. We can swap shipping info.
  14. reef fool

    Frags to trade

    I will do my pink zoos for some of those in picture #4. My pink ones are on a small piece of rock with about 12 polyps. Let me know.
  15. reef fool

    Frags to trade

    :confused: Nobody?!!
  16. reef fool

    OMG, our lfs is SOOOO dumb

    Sounds like a ***** experience to me!! No excuse at all for that kind of ignorance!
  17. reef fool

    Frags to trade

    How about a hammer frag? This one has split into 2 heads since I got it 1 1/2 months ago!
  18. reef fool

    Frags to trade

    I'm even willing to frag my torch for the right trade
  19. reef fool

    Frags to trade

    My kenya frag
  20. reef fool

    Frags to trade

    My other zoos with silver centers