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  1. firefish3

    29 Gal Suggestions

    forgot to say neon gobies
  2. firefish3

    29 Gal Suggestions

    clowns are good. if you want evil fish damsels work
  3. firefish3

    My first LFS exploit experience

    Nice move! I hate cocky lfs people
  4. firefish3

    Trip To Mote Marine.

    awesome! I want to go there
  5. firefish3


    chucking entire fish list new list 1 blue hippo tang 2 firefish 3 blue reef chromnis these are definates want someother tang, angels and other elegant fish I can put in here. also want a fish that cleans the sand. any comments?
  6. firefish3

    First SW 29 gal

    like everyone else said nice job aquascaping
  7. firefish3

    Cute clown picture

    really cute:joy:
  8. firefish3

    jellyfish that got away

    me too what the hech?:confused:
  9. firefish3

    Post a picture of your favorite fish!

    my avatar
  10. firefish3

    Before and After

    great improvement though tizzo is right you need to ditch the hippo because they need a 120 minimum
  11. firefish3

    Kole tang

    I think its to small might be able to pull it off in a 60 gallon but I would use 75 gallon minimum
  12. firefish3

    Snorkeling expedition

    I snorkeled when I went to hawaii was only five then all I remember seeing is a dolphin and a squirrelfish
  13. firefish3

    Whats the magic rule????

    I agree with bang guy
  14. firefish3


    what fish sift sand?
  15. firefish3


    I have heard yes and no
  16. firefish3's a fish that you don't see everyday

    nice fish. remindes me of a ballon:)
  17. firefish3


  18. firefish3

    fish are scatching on the rocks.

    I thought it was fire shrimp that got rid of ich
  19. firefish3

    fish are scatching on the rocks.

    get your fish in a quarantine!