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  1. firefish3

    New Clean Up Crew

    peppermint shrimp are good. cleaner clams help lower nitrates
  2. firefish3

    interesting goby question

    I like tangs too
  3. firefish3

    My new 30gal cube

    firefish and other gobies, chromis makee good aditions too. might bew aggesive though
  4. firefish3


    my point exactly! she has nothing to her but looks. the only reason that she is still famous is because she is basically an onstage stripper. I despise her for that. I hope she goes out of the business real soon. Also evanescence does have a future, they are the only band to succesfully put a...
  5. firefish3

    starting one

    I meant the smallest tank possible to put a clown trigger in like its minimum tank size. i dont mean a nano tank I mean like 100+ gallons
  6. firefish3


    I would not be so sure they will go away so quickly. [hr] [hr] has been around for years (unfortunately) and she has absolutely nothing to her.
  7. firefish3

    aggresive tank setup

    can you give me a link to a site with a whole lot of puffers
  8. firefish3

    starting one

    cant mix an ungulated trigger. you could put a clown trigger in the smallest tank possible by itself with a little live rock
  9. firefish3

    How do I lower my nitrates?

    cleaner clams lower nitrates
  10. firefish3

    Kole tang

    I agree with alison it should work
  11. firefish3

    Its a very touching movie!

    if you want a sad story read the chapter in the silmarillion entitled "Of Beren and Luthien" it is so sad.
  12. firefish3

    aggresive tank setup

    I hate dog face puffers they are so ugly
  13. firefish3

    starting one

    not if you want that fish to live.
  14. firefish3


    Piano (everything there is to play on piano, piano is my forte), classical guitar, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, violin, Bb clarinet, keyboard (basically piano) cant sing though at all.
  15. firefish3

    starting one

    thanks gas guzzler for got to say that you need probably 200 gallons for a ray
  16. firefish3

    stocking my tank

    I put my answer to this in you other thread
  17. firefish3

    need your help!!!

    overstocked too many gobies if you want 2 firefish get either two firefish or two purple firefish. neon gobies are tiny though they are cool. I have heard other people say their neon gobies got stuck in their filter. Dont put a royal grama in with a dottyback (the psuedochromis) choose on of the...
  18. firefish3

    aggresive tank setup

    how about a hawaiian spotted puffer
  19. firefish3

    New tank

    how about equipment
  20. firefish3

    interesting goby question

    Firefish with a naso tang would probably work