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  1. firefish3

    First SW 29 gal

    what type of corals are you putting in there?:happyfish
  2. firefish3

    tell me what you think

    nice i like it
  3. firefish3


    ok lemonpeel is on the list how about a yellow wrasse. could i put anyother angels in with the lemonpeel that would be reef safe
  4. firefish3


    thanks chandler04 you get in fights ALOT but your helpful. I am thinking I NEED to practice because my skills for water components isnt great thinking I might try something else want a togy puffer with a niger triger and something else any suggestions and necesary tank size? chandler what iss it...
  5. firefish3

    New Invention : Fake Anemones.

    with a proper material its a great idea if you invent a new one tell me about it.:joy:
  6. firefish3

    My first tank

    nice job like it. when making it a nano reef I would use shrooms
  7. firefish3


    rethinking the radiata how bout a kole tang? maybe an antenneta though radiata is my favorite
  8. firefish3

    guinea pigs

    any guinea pig owners/breeders out there?
  9. firefish3

    beginer doing research

    dont put any tang in there also welcome to the boards! tangs need a 75= gallon minimum (arguable) though for the members of the tang police like myself this is the minimum and most tangs need larger
  10. firefish3


    sorry about being so picky with the fishies but I am very opinionated so I would prefer the bicolor and the lemonpeel rather than a flame but you know WAY more so if a flame is better I will take it also wondering if I could squeze a another small tang in there thanks in advance
  11. firefish3


    would rather have a lemonpeel or a bicolor
  12. firefish3

    how can he have so many fish??

    neither am I
  13. firefish3

    Possible pest identification?

    never touching those things
  14. firefish3

    Emperor Angelfish - Juv

    if you ahve the time,,,,,,,,,,,,,, maybe
  15. firefish3

    nahacky angel

    WOWWOWWOWWOW!!!!!!!!!:scared: talk about an uneconomical fish!
  16. firefish3

    Poor diamond goby.

    either that or put him in another tank
  17. firefish3

    suggestions on corals

  18. firefish3


    I agree with you chandler. also those fish are evil !
  19. firefish3


    just wondering if I could what I can put in witha radiata lionfish thinking pearlscale butterfly maybe a tang
  20. firefish3

    Is it true that..

    I hope not I want one