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  1. joebob7

    What Are This Things

    but don't get too friendly, touching them can get you a pretty nasty sting!
  2. joebob7

    Getting Rid of Sand Dust?

    Well the sand also clouds up if it's moved by the powerheads so i have turned them off for now. Also it hasn't been cycling for a month because the rock was all cured and there isn't enough die off to start a cycle.
  3. joebob7

    Getting Rid of Sand Dust?

    How do I do it?! I put 40 pounds in my newly set up 55 gallon tank and it's been in for a month. But every time i try to move the rock the sand dust clouds up the whole tank for a whole day! I have tried running filter pads and carbon but they don't seem to do any good. Also I don't want to...
  4. joebob7

    Good zoanthid prices?

    hmm those palythoas are pretty rare, but the PPEs are totally not worth that much
  5. joebob7

    Knife Roulette...

    haha that is great! though i suspect it is a trick...
  6. joebob7

    Fishy problems! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You guys are horrible! Now some noob kid is gonna see this and end up with this exact same dream setup. though i do like the rock salt, nice touch
  7. joebob7

    my girlfreind dropped a bottle of windex in my tank

    haha well which is worth more? $1400 worth of stuff, or many many years of argument leverage because of this day?
  8. joebob7

    Tank size and shapes?

    Well I would say that rectangles are better than bowfronts because bowfronts cost extra with the bent glass, if I am right.
  9. joebob7

    question about these

    hmm, I am thinking that if there is detritus stuck on the zoos, then maybe they need enough flow to get it off. will the stuff on the zoos come off easily? maybe a higher flow would help
  10. joebob7

    Air Bubbles on Zoas

    is there any algae growing on or near them? that might collect air then it might float up to the zoos
  11. joebob7

    White Fuzz growing on Zoa Rock

    does it have a sponge base, and then have long white strings? i think my lfs had some on their rocks, they said it was a harmless sponge though
  12. joebob7

    are these healthy?

    I agree with Bama, those look great! I dont think you need to do anything different. for the few that won't open you might try placing them where more light hits them but they may just open on their own in time.
  13. joebob7

    question about these

    are you talking about the long stalks? If so you may want to place them closer to the lights and in less flow. What kind of lights do you have on them?
  14. joebob7

    DIY Overflow Box???

    i have seen people use the clear hang on tank boxes that are used to hold fish. You would need two of them and some tubing. I hope this helps!
  15. joebob7

    Coral Keepers 28 gallon Nano-Cube HQI diary.

    the tank is looking SWEET great job coral keeper!
  16. joebob7

    Bristle worm invasion?

    I also fed my tank for the first time in a few weeks (it is all corals, no fish) so maybe they just came out of hiding for a shot at some plankton?
  17. joebob7

    Bristle worm invasion?

    I just went to turn off my lights in the 20 gallon and saw what look like baby bristly worms. They were about .5 inch, blue and were wriggling in the current, there were maybe 5 that I saw! So did a momma bristle have some babies? Or are these even bristles? any input would be greatly...
  18. joebob7

    New Creature What is It???

    I don't think you should worry about losing any hermits to the bristle. I have never had that happen or even heard of thet happening in a tank. Just make sure not to get friendly and try to pet one!
  19. joebob7

    what is a "purist"?

    Originally Posted by Rotarymagic undergravel filters and crushed coral 4 life!!!! You can't keep coral in a home aquarium!!!!BIOBALLS!!!! Haha I feel pretty lame because i actually get that joke. Ah the world of SWF
  20. joebob7

    In closet/wall shallow tank build

    nice puma collection haha that looks like a fun project!