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  1. joebob7

    Return pump on a 55?

    I will get the tank in a few weeks and just want to know what kind of pump to buy. Is there a way to figure out what my head loss is? and a 1" tube drains about 600-650? Thanks for the help
  2. joebob7

    Snail Babys..!

    what kind of snails are they? because some will end up bigger than others but i personally think that the more the better
  3. joebob7

    Return pump on a 55?

    what GPH would you recommend for a 55 gallon tank returning from the sump? the sump should only be a few inches under the tank
  4. joebob7

    Is the U.S. following the same path as Rome to its fall

    From what I understand the Roman empire fell because much of their income came from other civilizations that they conquered and after the defeat of the Macedonians (I think this was the last place they took), they were out of places to pillage and people to enslave. Also rampant spending by...
  5. joebob7

    xenia receding /dying continue

    I also had a fairly large colony of Xenia that, a few months ago, turned blue- purple on the stalks, and a wierd almost glow-in-the-dark green on the polyps, and started melting away. AFter a few weeks it stopped and about half came back like they were before. I dont know why this happened but...
  6. joebob7

    What kind of snail? Wrong ones? ID please

    +1 on margarita snails i have a few in my 3 gallon and they keep the glass pretty clear
  7. joebob7

    Help with closed loop.

    what exactly is a closed loop system? is it just a system with a sump or refuge with return pumps?
  8. joebob7

    Girlina4x4's tank STAND build!

    darn i was all ready for some one to make a 4foot X 4 fooot tank. But this does sound like a fun project
  9. joebob7

    Cleaning the inside of a skimmer

    I am pretty sure that the algae that grows inside of a skimmer is good and it helps it work better. So you might just leave it.
  10. joebob7

    Wet-Dry filter question

    great thanks. DO you think just a skimmer (Remora) and a refuge would be sufficient then? along with LR and LS of course
  11. joebob7

    Wet-Dry filter question

    So i plan on getting a 55 gallon tank in a few weeks and want to make my own sump (from a 20 gallon tank) with a wet dry filter. I have a few questions though. Should i put bio balls in it or rock rubble? does anyone have a diy wey dry filter thread? oh and off the filter topic a little bit...
  12. joebob7

    Undergravel filter.....are they good to have?

    these also dont really work with the sand in my experience. They only work with large gravel
  13. joebob7

    Diamond Goby!!!

    does anyone know if yellow watchman gobies clean the sand bed as well? they are much more colorful and smaller which is a plus for me
  14. joebob7

    School of Chromis?

    I would go with the 3-5 gallon per inch of fish rule
  15. joebob7

    Playbox sand???

    Originally Posted by justinwwwallin u cant find southdown ANYWHERE. but... i used quikrete.. its worked GREAT! i have a 300 dollar sand bed for 20 :) I am Hoping that was a joke?
  16. joebob7

    Strange living thing in my tank...

    I have a few worms that look like that. They stretch when moving but sometimes just hang out of holes in the rock. They only come out at night as well, i was told that they were peanut worms. I have'nt had any trouble with them hurting livestock though so i assume they are safe.
  17. joebob7

    Thinking about a nano for my office

    wow, congratulations! i know that not a lot of people have those i will be looking forward to see what you think of them
  18. joebob7

    my yellow polyps are withering away

    are you feeding them? yellow polyps need to be fed, you can feed them phytoplankton, mysis or maybe rotifers to help them grow
  19. joebob7

    New 3 Gallon Reef tank

    Here's my 3 gallon!
  20. joebob7

    Fowlr- wanting zoas

    sounds like good enough light for most zoos