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  1. xtech

    battle royale??

    couple a weeks ago we found a beautiful white sebae anenome about 4 inches across,brought it home,within a couple of days it opened up to about 6-7 inches,then it started to move.only a few inches in several directions,no problem. then yesterday it went 1/2 way across the tank(90g) where it...
  2. xtech

    can someone help me out!!

    There Are Deals To Be Had On Used Ones If You Are Patient... I Just Bought One From An Lfs Rr 180 Tank Dark Cherry Stand And Canopy 40 Gallon Sump,w/pump Uv Sterilizer 2 Heaters Vho Lighting Built In To The Canopy Berlin Style Skimmer 750.00
  3. xtech

    Question on sump

    fluval pumps will not suck water very good as they are gravity fed,i guess you could fill it with the ceramic beads and run as secondary or put floss and carbon in it and run it sporadically to polish your water.
  4. xtech

    Do I need More Filtration? Maybe a Canister Filter?

    i use a canister more for polishing the water than anything else.i change out the carbon and the floss weekly,i also use a wet dry mixed with bioballs as well as lr and have 125 lbs lr in the tank.i run a 90 with a dozen or so fish and about 14 different pieces of coral. nitrates are 20 or...
  5. xtech

    Need Advice on Reef Tank Sump Setup

    WHAT ARE YOUR NITRATES READING AT?do you have any live rock ?do you have live sand? in my opinion your bioload isnt very high right now and you may not need to add anything else. you may want to add a skimmer more so than another filter,or you could also add a small wet dry with bio balls and...
  6. xtech

    Christmas Comes Early!!!

    price seems kinda high.......i would take the list and look around at the many online sites. i guess it would be alright to have someone set up a tank. but i get a great deal of satisfaction from my tank knowing i did it myself.also in so doing i have learned so much about reefkeeping it is...
  7. xtech

    125g up. no fish in it yet.

    i have found some test kits will never show perfectly zero on nitrates.may want to take it to lfs for a test,just to verify bp
  8. xtech

    lionfish trouble

    my lion wouldnt eat anything either.....sometimes he would sniff at a piece of krill but not eat it....i gave him a few feeder guppies which he quickly swallowed and ever since he is eating everything...flake,mysis,krill, he doesnt pass up on anything and i do not feed him live at all...
  9. xtech

    Naso Tang Dead

    i have found that it is normal for the spots,when 1st turning the lights on....other than that the fish is likely stressed for some reason. mine seem to thrive on a mixture i made up. formula2 with brine,diced frozen mysis,spirulina discs,mixed with some liquid vitamins.its almost like hes on...
  10. xtech

    new naso wats wrong with him though

    my naso acted the same way for about 4 days,and always had the big white spots.since then he has opened up and is the biggest eater in the foxface was the same they have adopted each other and are buddys,always swimmin together and carryin on.they are in a 90 but here in the next...
  11. xtech

    darn him!!! come out and spread!!!!

    ive got mine on the bottom of my 90 with 260 watt orbit lights....and it is always fully extended........what are your test results??
  12. xtech

    Lionfish behavior???

    my lion will not accept live food,however he does eat occasional flake and will eat krill by the ton.i have only had him a week,should i be concerned ??
  13. xtech

    Fs- Live Rock Fs In Ohio

    interested in lr....where are you in ohio? email me
  14. xtech

    Brand new ensign

    substrate is whats on the bottom of the ls-live sand or cc:crushed coral and lr would be for live rock,rock that has been cycled and is hosting its own colonies of the helpful bacteria.
  15. xtech

    co2 bottle

    any welding supply center sgould be able to help...
  16. xtech

    way too much conflicting information

    Originally Posted by joncat24 i tend to believe the people who have nothing to gain by giving you advise...the lfs wants you to buy hundreds of dollars in equipment and livestock so they tell you whatever it takes to achieve that goal....the people on these boards are not making a dime for there...
  17. xtech

    What type of filter do i need

    not wanting to hijack the thread ...but i have a filter question as well. currently running wet dry with bio balls.water is pretty clean but not as crystal as i would like.90 gallon about 1 month old. can i add another filter to the system i already have or do i just need to wait it out ? also...
  18. xtech

    oh boy....

    using a series of buckets i made a batch of water this morning(4am) and mixed enough salt in it to bring sg to 1.012...just tested the water and it reads a tic hi at 1.023 but i think ill be happy with that.being that i already had the water a little cloudy from the water change i decided to...
  19. xtech

    oh boy....

    tested water again tonite when i got home....all tests within specified parameters with the exception of sg. so i took out almost 10 gallons and put that in a seperate 20 gallon tank with about 15 more lbs of lr. will recheck everything again as soon as water clears. its only been about 3 days...
  20. xtech

    oh boy....

    1st off i want to say thanks for the input!!! wish i found this board a little sooner. the anenome is a florida condi, specs say moderate lighting ok. the live rock i have was cured so maybe that was a plus.nitrates and nitrites are right where they are supposed to be(at the moment) the clown is...