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  1. lionfish1

    Marine Catfish

    These were very interesting fish. They always staid in a group, and they like to dig holes in the sand bed to lay in. I also didn't know they were venmous until after I got them. They are pretty easy to care for.
  2. lionfish1

    MH Question

    I am going to buy replacement lights for my fixture and was wondering if someone has some pics of there tank with 20K lights. I just wanted to see how blue they are. If someone can help that would be great thanks.
  3. lionfish1

    Cloudy Water Help

    usually if you just let it be it will settle eventually. I had a 130 and by the next day it had settled, so I would say just give it time.
  4. lionfish1

    20g What kind of lighting?

    I have a sunpod for my 20 long. It's 36" long because eventually it will be used for my one side of my 130. So it's actually a 2 x 150w and yes it does heat the water a couple of degrees I need to move them a little higher. Here's a pic for ya though. Also I no longer have the glasstops on.
  5. lionfish1

    Phosphate free RO

    I am having a phosphate problem too so I tested the distilled water from wal mart and it tested 0. Just my 2c. :jumping:
  6. lionfish1

    cheapo hydrometer calibration ?

    Or on this fine site here on sale for 49.99. :jumping:
  7. lionfish1

    lion fish n trigger??

    I had a volitan and a rectangular trigger and niger trigger all in the same 130g. Never had a problem with them fighting, but maybe I was just lucky.
  8. lionfish1

    Let's do WRASSE'S

    My old lunare wrasse and Dragon wrasse
  9. lionfish1

    MH bulb

    These are 14K's I like em.
  10. lionfish1

    Lets see some tanks with metal halides

    Here's a before and after with 2x150w MH.
  11. lionfish1

    Cleaner Clams at the Superstore

    So do you need to feed them anything?
  12. lionfish1

    Filling the tank

    I'm sure you'll get lots of answers but here's my 2c. I put the sand in first and level it. then I put a bowl in the center and pour the water into the bowl so your not dumping it directly onto the sand (bigger bowl the better). then once it's about 3/4 or so full add the live rock and what not...
  13. lionfish1

    Posting pics

    microsoft paint - stretch scew (pic size/500 X 100) is the percentage to stretch and will resize it.
  14. lionfish1

    Cleaner Clams at the Superstore

    So any clams you see in the tanks with the lobsters at the stores should work??
  15. lionfish1

    Helpful spreadsheet...

    Would Love a copy to try out!
  16. lionfish1

    the least favorite fish in your tank?

    My yellow damsel. Mean [hr] !!
  17. lionfish1

    Lunar Wrasse

    I know what you mean you would think you could get them somewhere I mean i would have paid a little more for some live ones. (thinking of new money making scheme LOL)
  18. lionfish1

    My first real fish!!!

    Well if you look in my pic you can see a large rectangular trigger, and there was also a niger trigger in that tank. Heck you can even see in the lower left I had a clow that survived in there.