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  1. keish24

    reef ready tank overflow/return

    i am plumbing my sump to tank. i am just wondering if anyone has any pics of the plumbing in the dt part. i am trying to figure out how close to the top my overflow line needs to be. any one have any suggestions or pics???
  2. keish24

    Milkcrate cave?

    found this the other day. you might be able to take the idea and run with it a little....saltwater style. maybe use pvc instead of the black tubing? if the milk crate is found to be okay to stick in your tank you might even be able to foam it with lr rubble like...
  3. keish24

    CPR HOB bak pak skimmer

    i have one of these. it seems to do a good job....however mine is also quite noisy.
  4. keish24

    Ball Socket Joint Tubing Question

    i've attached a pic of what i am looking at. i think we are talking about the same thing but can you please let me know for sure? i am planning on just using it on the end of my return to be able to direct the flow so it will be fully submerged. so you can just snap these together then? you...
  5. keish24

    Ball Socket Joint Tubing Question

    I am getting ready to order some ball socket joint tubing for the return line of my tank. my question is how do you attach two pieces of it together? do they just snap together of do they attach some other way? they spell special assembly pliers for them online where i am purchasing it from...
  6. keish24

    Obama to Seek New Assault Weapons Ban

    so then you think that all guns should be banned for purchase then?
  7. keish24

    is this enough????

    i have a 90gal rr tank with 20gal sump/refuge. will the octo 110 recirculating needle wheel skimmer be enough? it is rated at 125 gallons. what do you all think????
  8. keish24

    Obama to Seek New Assault Weapons Ban

    i dont own nor do i plan to own an "assult weapon" as it is now defined. however having said that i do not support this ban in any way shape or form. it is the first step. how long before they redefine what an assult weapon is and take away a few more of the guns we can own? they wont take...
  9. keish24

    Obama to Seek New Assault Weapons Ban

    "I think that will have a positive impact in Mexico, at a minimum." Holder said out of that article this is definately my favorite. so now we have our rights taken away in order to impact mexico.
  10. keish24

    Coral Banded Shrimp Question.

    i would be worried about the cbs attacking your fish also. i had one and i suspect it is what killed one of my clowns. i thought it was the culprit but wasnt sure so i left him in the tank. then one day shortly there afteri watched the stupid thing lash out at a fish swimming by. he left our...
  11. keish24

    BTA Confusing me

    i lived by wilburton when i was younger. i have been in nw ok for about 20 years now though. we occasionally go to the winding stair mountains to camp.
  12. keish24

    OMG!!! Enough is enough

    Originally Posted by bionicarm I love it when the only claim to fame for Bush is the same repeated line from journey, "Any more terrorist attacks...". It's called the Homeland Security Act. After 9/11, that would've been passed no matter who the president was. this is interesting considering...
  13. keish24

    BTA Confusing me

    i used to live in se oklahoma....i bet that was a HUGE difference...ny to se ok. se ok to nw ok was a change in itself. se ok is beautiful....especially in the fall!
  14. keish24

    BTA Confusing me

    like lmecher said...mine also shrinks down at night but doesnt actually expel very often....where it shrivils all up. before it shriviled up about every night though.
  15. keish24

    BTA Confusing me

    what kind of lighting do you have? i ask because when i bought my bta i had pc lights and mine did what yours is doing about every night after the lights went out. i upgraded to t5 lighting and it doesnt do it nearly as often.....i would say maybe once a week now.
  16. keish24

    octopus nw 150

    i am confused about this. some sites show the footprint to be 6" x 12" and others show it to be 9.5" x 10". anyone have any further insight????
  17. keish24

    octopus nw 150

    does anyone have this skimmer? if so can you tell me the actual footprint of it? i am trying to make a sump tank out of a 20 gal long aquarium. the ******** width of it is right under 12" so i would like to know if this skimmer will fit or not. thanks
  18. keish24

    skimmer recommendation

    6" REEF OCTOPUS NEEDLEWHEEL PROTEIN SKIMMER 150G would this be sufficiant for the size of tank i am running? has anyone ever had one of these kind of skimmers? if so what do you think of it????
  19. keish24

    skimmer recommendation

    what size should i be after?
  20. keish24

    skimmer recommendation

    oh yeah...and the quieter the better!