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  1. keish24

    clean up crew questions

    i am definatly open to suggestions on other critters as well
  2. keish24

    clean up crew questions

    i have a sally does eat and eat but i pretty much need to completely restock my clean up crew. i am looking to get some astrea snails, nass snails, emeralds, blues legs, a sea hare, and a kole tang. i am just not sure how many of each to get. any suggestions?
  3. keish24

    clean up crew questions

    i have a few questions about blue hermits. i have read to stock anywhere from 1/gallon to 1/10 gallons. do they mess with corals at all? what is a good number to stock in your experience? what about emerald crabs? do they ever mess with corals? i have a 90gal tank with 20 gal refuge/sump...
  4. keish24

    Few pictures of the kids

    those are awesome pics! seahorses look like a lot of fun to keep! may have to give it a try someday.
  5. keish24

    Why my tanks aren't close to #1 (new pics)

    she is a doll!!! how old? she looks about the same age as my daughter.
  6. keish24


    renogaw.....what did you use to raise your ph when you had the problem with dino? how high did you raise it to?
  7. keish24


    what is the best way to raise ph?
  8. keish24


    spanko....i have read that article already....i was really wanting to talk to someone who had tried it plienkiewi....i do water changes every 3 or 4 weeks. i feed every other day. i am feeding a pellet food right now but i am thinking about switching to frozen as soon as i can. i have an...
  9. keish24


    not encouraging :( cranberry....does this look like dinos to you? i am almost certain after doing some research it is what i am dealing with but i would love to get an opinion from someone who has had it. anyone ever successfully gotten rid of this stuff?????? if so can you help me out on how...
  10. keish24


    i just tested my water. here are my parameters: amonia - 0 nitrites - 0 nitrates - 0 phosphates - 0 salinity - 34
  11. keish24


    for quite a while now i have been dealing with this stuff in my tank. started out as a reddish/purplish color with bubbles. i thought it was i read up on cyno. i increased flow and lessened the light schedule. i use ro/di water. nothing seemed to be helping. it is now kind of a...
  12. keish24

    refuge lighting

    i built a refuge in my sump and and wanting to get some chaeto now. wondering what kind of lighting i need to keep chaeto alive. cheapest route possible is best. thanks!
  13. keish24

    how to move a 36 gallon tank

    moving the tank with the sand should be fine. we moved my first tank with the sand still in it. it was a 55 gallon, so i think that would be alright. as for the water and could go to walmart (or where ever) and purchase one of the big rubbermaid plastic totes. they are cheap...
  14. keish24

    rock anemone

    great! thanks for the input
  15. keish24

    rock anemone

    by the way....i believe it is one of these
  16. keish24

    rock anemone

    i made an order to a place and they shipped me a free rock anmone. i was not expecting to get this thing and so it is now acclimating but i am wondering if it is okay to put into my tank. i have a reef tank. i have heard that mixing anemones is bad. i have a rose bubble tip anemone. is this...
  17. keish24

    Good return pump?

    a mag 9.5 might be a bit much depending on your head loss. i have a quiet one pump that is rated at 780 on my 90 gallon rr tank. i have the return line choked back quite a bit. fwiw.
  18. keish24

    Rusted Red Colored Algae???

    does it have bubbles in it? have you felt it to see if it comes right off or not? if so it could be cyno. how fast has it spread?
  19. keish24

    Fish with live rock, switch to reef?

    i would splurge on the 90 if possible. i started out with a 55 last summer and just upgraded to a 90. if i had it to do over again i would have started out with the 90 or larger. it was a pain switching everything over to the new tank. having more water volume will also allow more room for...
  20. keish24

    I'm getting my first...

    nice tat!