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  1. sobsts

    Lighting question

    What about the T-8, and dont the bulbs of a T5 last much longer and save on power. I was just wondering in the process of redesigning and might as well do it all at the same time. As long as the T5 can support a few corals on a 90 gallon i think i would be happy on not spending big money on...
  2. sobsts

    crushed coral substrate

    Decided to pull out the crush coral and put in a LS bed along with a refugium. In doing that im doing a 30% water change help get a jump start on it. Thanks for the help.
  3. sobsts

    clean up crew question

    Sorry for taking so long to reply but no havent had anything afraid the puffer would kill it. Taking out all the crushed coral either today or tomorrow to have tank drilled and im going to replace it with sand and try putting some inverts in there than i will put the puffer back in see if any...
  4. sobsts

    Building a refugium

    Thanks for the help everyone. I decided to get my 90 gallon drilled and take the cc out plumbed down to a 30 gallon with live rock than it moves into the refugium and pumps back in with a 1100GPH pump. I have a single strip light for a 10 gallon that im going to use and everyone seems to say...
  5. sobsts

    Anyone looking for a 125 gallon tank

    how much for the set up if i pick up? Could pick up with cash this weekend, and let me know what all is coming with it.
  6. sobsts

    crushed coral substrate

    i bought a RO/DI unit about a month ago and started doing 5 gallon water changes everyday for 3 weeks, I vacuum the gravel half the tank one week and the other half the next, feed the puffer once a day a jumbo shrimp feed the tang a piece of seaweed in am and Formula 1 at night. No clean up...
  7. sobsts

    clean up crew question

    Sorry I know i post alot but im trying to change my tank around because of some problems. Question is i have a 10" dog faced puffer and a 6" yellow tang i was wondering what kind of clean up crew i could buy that my puffer wont eat? He eat shrimp from the grocery store before it hits bottom so...
  8. sobsts

    Lighting question

    What is better MH or T-5 lighting and what bulb configuration for the T-5 for a fish only tank with live rock? Thanks
  9. sobsts

    quick help plz

    Hey fishman did you have to pull the cc out and when putting in sand did you take out all your live rock and live stock? Doing the same thing I got a bad nitrate problem from cc after 2 years.
  10. sobsts

    Building a refugium

    Im finally ready to stock the 30 gallon refugium. Need advice on what kind of algae to go with for nitrate and phosphate removal (major problem because of crushed coral) and also what kind of light to put in a 24" one bulb strip light? Thanks for the help Dave
  11. sobsts

    crushed coral substrate

    I have a crushed coral substrate and my nitrates are out of hand. Ive posted the last couple of days trying to figure out my best plan of attack and was just wondering how much of a bed should i have using crushed coral. Right now its about 3/4". By the way 90 gallon tank 10" puffer and 6"...
  12. sobsts

    Crushed Coral vs. Sand

    if you have crushed coral as your substrate how do you go about pulling it out and replacing it with live sand?
  13. sobsts

    Please help!!!

    I have a fish only 90 gallon with a 10" dog faced puffer and a yellow tang. 55 lbs of live rock. A hangon the back wet dry its about 2.5 feet by 4" X 13" and run a prizm protein skimmer and a emperor 400. My thing is im building a 30 gallon refugium and want to eliminate the wet dry but keep...
  14. sobsts

    Calling all experts(Morish idol)

    while we are talking about tough to keep fish is it true the emperor angel is a hard fish to keep? I was also told that by not using RO/DI water that the chemicals in the tap water even if treated kill him slowly? Sorry to bust up the thread just seemed like alot of knowledgible people were here.
  15. sobsts

    refugium help

    alright i have another idea for you tell me if its crazy. Im going to use to 400 GPH pumps to run down to the bio balls area is about 8" than its going to go through the fuge which is 17.5" and into pump area which is seperated from fuge by a row of bio balls. Water gets pumped back to tank...
  16. sobsts

    refugium help

    Im building a 30 gallon refugium for my fish only 90 gallon. I was just wondering how much light does the refugium need and what is the max. flow rate i can put through it. I was thinking of 800 GPH is that way too much or am I going to be alright.
  17. sobsts

    Wet/Dry, Ehiem Canister, 250W Heater, Hagen PH...NJ

    hi still waiting on a price shipped to 15017 just send it to Thanks
  18. sobsts

    Wet/Dry, Ehiem Canister, 250W Heater, Hagen PH...NJ

    is the wet dry gone yet if not send me your price shipped to 15017
  19. sobsts

    Amiracle Wet Dry Filter For Sale or Trade

    does it include the overflow box and if so i will take it shipped to 15017. just let me know how you want payed.
  20. sobsts

    55 Gallon stuff for sale! Upgrading to 150

    how much for the lights shipped to 15017 and do you accept paypal