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  1. misty927

    Adding a 2nd Tomato Clown is it possible??

    Well, I have a large (4 inch tomato clown) and two (2 inch and 1.5) perculas. Overall, they get along great and basically ignore each other except when it comes to their anemones. When it come to their prized possession, they get a little defensive of their territory and chase the other off...
  2. misty927

    please help!

    Well Trey, not in the technical mood today? Slice, spilling guts? God forbid you start talking like the rest of us... ;) :D
  3. misty927

    Do fish sleep?

    Well, at night, to let my fishies know it's time for bed, I turn off half of the lighting on the tank. I have two light strips per tank specifically for this purpose. I wait approximately 20-30 minutes and then turn off the other light. I do this in the morning also when turning on the...
  4. misty927

    Bad Idea??

    I haven't purchased anything just yet, but I was wondering if a yellow tang would be happy in a 55-gallon tank. As of now, there are two percula clowns and various inverts. Impossible, yes or no? If not, want other fish would be good in this reef tank? I was thinking about a blenny or goby maybe.
  5. misty927

    Are they starving!?!?!

    I got a cleanup crew with snails, emerald crabs, a sally light foot, cucumber, bristle stars, cleaner shrimp, and red and blue leg hermits. Question is...they've cleaned up all algae and diatoms quite nicely, but almost too nicely. Now, I'm wondering if they don't have enough food to eat. How...
  6. misty927

    Are they starving!?!?!

    I got a cleanup crew with snails, emerald crabs, a sally light foot, cucumber, bristle stars, cleaner shrimp, and red and blue leg hermits. Question is...they've cleaned up all algae and diatoms quite nicely, but almost too nicely. Now, I'm wondering if they don't have enough food to eat. How...
  7. misty927

    He's still upside down!!!

    Ok, well we turned him right side up...but he turned over again! Is he just weird and likes it this way better or should I be worried about something?
  8. misty927

    He's still upside down!!!

    My anemone keeps on flopping itself upside down. Yesterday he expelled some brown stuff and now he won't stay right side up. I woke up this morning and found him this way again after turning him right side up last night. His leg also looks bloated. Is it possible that he can't expell water...
  9. misty927 anemone!!!!

    I just got a new sebae anemone today. first, he expelled some brown solid sort of substance from his mouth. Now, after we turned off the lights he won't stay attached. His foot (I don't know if that's what you call it) is in the air. He's upside down and he won't stay right side...
  10. misty927

    Anemone's Diet....

    How exactly do I feed the anemone? Do I use a syringe or turkey baster type deal and just spray the food near its mouth or what?
  11. misty927

    Anemone's Diet....

    How exactly do I feed the anemone? Do I use a syringe or turkey baster type deal and just spray the food near its mouth or what?
  12. misty927

    Anemone's Diet....

    What should I feed my two new anemones? One is a small, white bulb...the other is a large sebae. Also, what strength of current or water movement do these anemones prefer? Thanks so much! :)
  13. misty927

    *POLL* Everyone anwser!!

    I'm tired of these offense Jess. And that's all I have to say about that. lol. :D
  14. misty927

    how do i take care of this?

    25 years of make me sick. lol :D The guy at the local lfs has been in it for 25 years also...and I don't even think he knows what saltwater is. Needless to say, I envy and admire you. Very impressive knowledge! :)
  15. misty927

    how do i take care of this?

    25 years of make me sick. lol :D The guy at the local lfs has been in it for 25 years also...and I don't even think he knows what saltwater is. Needless to say, I envy and admire you. Very impressive knowledge! :)
  16. misty927

    Do I have slime algae on my live rock?

    "Slimey, snot like gook..." Is that a technical term Mr. Salty?? hehe. :)
  17. misty927

    Right kind of Clam!?!

    What do you mean by "lots of light?" We currently have a 55 gallon aquarium with 50-50 45 watt bulb and 50-50 110 watt power compacts. Would we need much more light than this? Also...what's CA?
  18. misty927

    Right kind of Clam!?!

    I'm looking into getting a couple of clams. Is there any basic information such as needs (lighting, feeding) that I need to know? Which types are usually hardiest? Any info would be great appreciated! :)
  19. misty927

    how do i take care of this?

    Trey...what exactly do you do!?!? Everytime you post I feel as if I'm watching the Discovery Channel. How do you know this stuff? *He's probably sitting behind an entire set of Encyclopedia "Marinnica" or something. (that's a take on Encyclopedia Britannica for all of you slow people out...
  20. misty927

    Has this happened to anyone else?

    Hey salisbury, you got sucked up in your powerhead?? that was scary. lol :D You stated "I got frightened and was sucked up by the powerhead." That never happens to me when I do maintenance. Next time, maybe I should try getting INTO the tank. I'll tell you how it goes. *Sorry, I...