Search results

  1. misty927

    New, dumb Damsels are hiding

    Well, I've had my damsels for approximately a month. At first, yes, they hid a lot in the back of the tank. They, however, are still hiding. Of course, they do come out more, but it seems as though they are comfortable in all the live rock. They come out to eat, sometimes swim around a bit...
  2. misty927

    what have i done?

    Well, I've only been in saltwater for about five months. :) I like Gallery of Pets also. Have you ever been to any of the other places I mentioned? And which *****...the one off of I-35 or by Arboretum?
  3. misty927

    what have i done?

    Hey azzala...I'm also from Austin. What lfs do you usually go to? We frequent Gallery of Pets (good specimen), Pet Connection (in Cedar Park, lots of fish), Aqua Dome (lots of corals, anenomes), and Aqua-Tek (good equipment, never have variety of fish though). Do you know of any other places...
  4. misty927

    new water to a cycling tank????

    Thanks guys for all of your help!! All my questions have been answered...I salute you. :D
  5. misty927

    new water to a cycling tank????

    Dseiler, it all makes sense until you lift up the hood and find salt crystals on the glass from where the water evaporated or bounce up from the filter. :) But what i would still like to know is what will happen to my cycling tank if I add more water with salt mixed into it? :rolleyes:
  6. misty927

    new water to a cycling tank????

    So what will happen if I put new salt in the water?
  7. misty927

    new water to a cycling tank????

    Dont we need to maintain our salinaty levels at the same time? Won't the salinaty decrease with an addition of five gallons of plain R/O water? Thank you for the help. ;)
  8. misty927

    What does your lfs charge for RO water?

    I have three different lfs', with three different prices. But I can go to HEB and they charge .30 a gallon. My local lfs which is about two minutes from the house charges .20 a gallon. It would suck to have to pay .90 a gallon. I think all Albertson's, HEB's, Tomb Thumbs, etc.. have water...
  9. misty927

    new water to a cycling tank????

    Yeah the water is gone from evaporation, I just didn't want to hinder the cycle.
  10. misty927

    new water to a cycling tank????

    Yeah the water is gone from evaporation, I just didn't want to hinder the cycle.
  11. misty927

    new water to a cycling tank????

    Is it safe(recommended) to add new salt water to a tank that is almost done cycling. I have a 55 gal. that is almost done cycling with rock, PC's, and CC. The tank needs about five gallons of water and I don't want to mess up the cycle. What should I do? :rolleyes:
  12. misty927

    Diatom bloom...

    I recently upgraded my lights to 50-50 power compacts...approximately 55 watts 110 total in a 55 gallon with 45 lbs. LR, CC. Question is...I've recently experienced a major diatom bloom. Could this be attributed to the enhanced lighting, signify that I'm nearing the end of my cycle...
  13. misty927

    Any suggestions?

    Could it be a...lionfish!?!?! *the crowd erupts into applause* No just kidding, but it's a definite possibility. Lionfish have striped bodies and fins, which are extremely elongated and flowing, which have the capability to sting, hence the name "lionfish." These fins look as if they outline...
  14. misty927

    Test Coloration of High Nitrite?

    Ha...I've been wondering the same thing. I too, have a Red Sea test kit. And yes, my nitrite's are off the chart. And yes, my ammonia is zero. Some type of bizzare or paranormal coincidence you say? Hmm...I'm inclined to think that either our tanks like playing with us...or Red Sea test kits...
  15. misty927

    So, only 3 people on this whole board ever moved their tank(s)?

    You should try searching this board for past posts. I have seen many helpful posts about how to properly move fish...many have worked up to seven hours away with no deaths. I forget which post that was though, sorry. :rolleyes: Anyways...try searching. That's what I always do before I have...
  16. misty927

    1000 watt power compact?

    I just found a guy that is sellin a few 1000 watt PC's and i didn't know if that was too much wattage for an 80 gallon tank, or a 55 gallon tank. Also is this wattage regular for a PC, or is it just a plant grow light? From this, how high should i install these lights? Need lots of help and...
  17. misty927

    New feather duster...

    Thanks for the response. I can't wait for more to pop up! :)
  18. misty927

    New feather duster...

    I have a new little feather duster growing ...the first one in the tank :)...and I was wondering if our damsels might make a little snack of it? Is the little guy safe?? :)
  19. misty927

    Power compacts...yes or no?

    What exactly is VHO?
  20. misty927

    Power compacts...yes or no?

    My lfs is giving me the impression that power compact lighting is necessary to keep anenomes, etc. Is it really...are there any alternatives? Power compact is so expensive...