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  1. nerdy

    My Mandarin after 6 weeks.

    looks good to me!!!!
  2. nerdy

    Monday One-Pack

    Nice pic. you should try to get to get that awesome clam all the way in it next time
  3. nerdy

    6 Pack- Down shots

    Great shots!! Nice clam, I really enjot peoples shots of thier clams!
  4. nerdy

    Skimmer necessary on a 20 Gallon?

    I would suggest it. It just makes life easier!
  5. nerdy

    the rock is in the 150gal.

    Oh yea Looking good!!!!!!!
  6. nerdy

    Bye Bye Bristle...

    I had the same school of thought on bristle worms. Then when I removed all of them some things went downhill that I can atribute to thier removal. So if you scoop any more out send em my way!!!
  7. nerdy

    Keeping your tank clean.

    A lot of people use the magnet glass cleaners. And I definately agree that some sort of sand sifter is suggested for the sand. Diamondback gobies are my fav
  8. nerdy

    Long-nosed butterfly and aiptasia

    I've never heard of them eating them before. I've had trouble getting long nosed butteflies to eat anything at all. Peppermint shrimp are good for eating rock anenomes
  9. nerdy

    Saturday 6 pack

    Looks good! Excellent side view!
  10. nerdy

    Pumping xenias?

    Very easy to maintain. Grow like weeds. Work best with a healthy dose of iodine
  11. nerdy

    out of control

    I agree with these guys. Peppermint is a good way to go. But be advised that some peppermint shrimp will not eat rock anenomes.
  12. nerdy

    BTA splitting!!!!

    Cool. I can't wait to see the pic
  13. nerdy

    CBS gettin' his claws back!

    Good to hear that everything is going good! Good luck
  14. nerdy

    What is this coral?

    Sure looks like one to me!
  15. nerdy

    My Saturday Night 6-Pack

    Those look great. I don't know what your talking about. Nice one with the shrimp!
  16. nerdy


    I agree with leboef. That's the cleaner shrimp's job. and it is good one for your tank!
  17. nerdy

    Bubbletip coral

    I'm not an expert on hard corals but that looks like the skeleton of the coral. I would say that it doesn't look to good!
  18. nerdy

    Wandering Sabae

    Just make sure that it doesn't wander up the sides of your glass and get caught in a pump and spew out all it guts poisoning your tank like mine did!!!!!
  19. nerdy

    What do you think?....

    Very original!
  20. nerdy

    The blackout of 2003

    I didn't really do anything except keep an eye on my temp. Didn't lose a thing!!