Search results

  1. meadbhb

    candy cane coral

    Hiya, I've had mine for about 2 months now, paid $20 for three heads. Well, it's in the process of splitting two of it's heads!!! I'm so excited, my first coral to reproduce! Meadbhb
  2. meadbhb

    damsels.........keep or get rid of

    Hiya, I LIKE my damsels. I've got three in my 37, a yellow tail, a thompson and a clown. Yes, they do show off at each other but there's plenty of room for them to run and hide if they need it. Granted, I'm still new to this hobby, tanks been up for six months, so who know's in another 6...
  3. meadbhb

    Red Bali starfish

    Hiya, Thanks Ophuira. We don't get linka's in our store that often. Thankfully, they're not a species of marine life that I am obsessed with. I think I'll just leave the star's to those with more experiance. Meadbhb
  4. meadbhb

    If you have a Red Bali Star (Fromia)...

    Hiya, Thanks for doing some extra research on this star Ophuira. I guess I'll just have to pass on this. I'll just get more snails to take care of the algea on my glass. Meadbhb
  5. meadbhb

    what to put in a 38 gallon sw tank

    Hiya, I've got a 37 gallon and have a osci. clown and two damsels. There's also snails and a few crabs in there. Meadbhb
  6. meadbhb

    Red Bali starfish

    Hiya, I did a board search, using Bali as the search idea. There wasn't a whole lot on them. I did talk to one guy at the store. He said he's had his for 6 months and it has hardly done any growing. Stays on his glass and rock eating algea. I think he's got a 100+ gallon reef tank though...
  7. meadbhb

    Updates on new SW tank

    Hiya, This may have already been answered, but you can mix most shrimp species. If you want a fire shrimp and the wife wants peppermints, get them both, you should be fine. I've got a peppermint and two sexy's in my tank and it's a 39. Meadbhb
  8. meadbhb

    Mixing shrimp

    Hiya, I've got a peppermint and two sexy shrimp in my tank with no problems. Had a fire shrimp before I went on my cruise, but it was gone when I got back. Meadbhb
  9. meadbhb

    Red Bali starfish

    Hiya, Was hoping you'd be the one to answer this question. I've got 70lbs of rock and algea, but still doesn't sound like something I can put in the tank. Thanks Ophiura, I guess I'll just have to enjoy them at the store. Meadbhb
  10. meadbhb

    Red Bali starfish

    Hiya, My LFS just got a bunch of these little red starfish in. However, they were in the process of unpacking their order and couldn't tell me much about them. Are they reef safe? What do they eat? Are they as sensative to acclimation as other stars? Meadbhb
  11. meadbhb

    My gobie

    Hiya, Try rearranging your rock work. Meadbhb
  12. meadbhb

    Protein Skimmer Running Time ???

    Hiya, I removed my bio wheel from my filter after a few months since I thought it would hold nitrates. However, I wasn't getting enough oxygen in my tank and had a cyno outbreak. I put it back in, adjusted my power head and now I don't have cyno, so it helps oxyginate your water too. Ohhh...
  13. meadbhb

    Yellow Tail Damsel

    Hiya, My yellow tail hasn't started digging yet, but my other damsel does make burrow's. Meadbhb
  14. meadbhb

    Unknown Creature in Tank... Clam maybe

    Hiya, I doubt the clam is doing it, and emeralds are usually peaceful. I'm wondering if you didn't get a hitch hicker on you LR that you don't know about. Are you hearing any clicking in your tank at night? Any fish in the tank right now? Meadbhb
  15. meadbhb

    are all damsels devils?

    Hiya, I've got a blue yellowtail and a thompson (I think) with a clown. They're all small right now so will grow up together. I do see the two damsels show some agression to each other by chasing each other around, but they leave the clown alone for the most part. I've got 70lbs of LR in my...
  16. meadbhb

    Protein Skimmer Running Time ???

    Hiya, I run mine from 11:00 P.M to noon since my husband can't tollerate the noise. He has partial hearing loss and the noise my skimmer makes is at that tone that interfers with his hearing. I've been doing this for 6 months now, with no ill issues. However, PH drops at night so your...
  17. meadbhb

    how do these fish sound for my 24 cube

    Hiya, Home Depo or Lowes should have eggcrate. Meadbhb
  18. meadbhb

    emerald crab question

    Hiya, Maybe he's in the process of moulting? Meadbhb
  19. meadbhb

    how do these fish sound for my 24 cube

    Hiya, I hate to say this, I'd still cut back one of the larger fish. I'd cut the bangii or the firefish. I love the look of the purple firefish. You're probably right about the neon gobi not causing much bio load so no problem with keep it. Just to let you know, I've got a 37 gallon with...
  20. meadbhb

    everything died!..starting over

    Hiya, If you read this before you go to the store take a bucket with you and a few blankets. Have them put the LR in the bucket and cover the live rock with water from their tank. The blankets will help hold some heat and stabilize the motion from the car. This way, you'll limit the amount of...