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  1. meadbhb

    Time of day to feed and add chemicals?

    Hiya, I feed my fish when I get home from work so I can watch them eat. I don't add chemicals so can't help you there. Well, not true, i add calcium when needed. Most of the time it's during early evening since I have more free time then. Water changes are early evening or early afternoon if...
  2. meadbhb

    Dead crabs

    Hiya, Something I think we forget in this trade. We have no idea how old our friends are when we get them. Most of them are wild caught anyway. Meadbhb
  3. meadbhb

    inch / gallon rule.

    Hiya, I know that should be enough for a yellow tank. I'm not up on most of the other species of fish. Hopefully someone else will chime in. Meadbhb
  4. meadbhb

    how do these fish sound for my 24 cube

    Hiya, Remember, 1" of fish for every 5 gallon's, so you could probably get away with 5 inches of fish. Nano's fill up with waste a lot faster, so you're going to have to really stay on top of water quality if you try to over crowd it. I'd go with pair of clowns and either a firefish or a...
  5. meadbhb

    everything died!..starting over

    Hiya, Sounds like your tank now has a population of pods...good stuff. Also the brown stuff is dead diatoms, also a sign of a cycling tank. So, you're right on track. I'd ask what the LFS is feeding thier six-line and continue to feed that. After a while, you can try to change/add to it's...
  6. meadbhb

    On-going Disagreement, need help

    Hiya, You can get away with the regular tank lights that come with hoods, but you'll only be able to keep low light corals. Some of which are very colorful. If you want some of the brighter colorful corals,yes, you want to invest in better lights. MH are needed to keep most anenomies and...
  7. meadbhb

    inch / gallon rule.

    Hiya, Yes, you can count the gallon's in the sump towards your inches of fish. However, remember, the main tank is only so long, so you don't want to over crowd it with fish that need a lot of swimming room. Meadbhb
  8. meadbhb

    Keyhole Limpets

    Hiya, How big can these get? Mine were small at one time, now they're about 3/4-1 inch long. Meadbhb
  9. meadbhb

    why is my tank still have a yellow look?

    Hiya, Some folks paint the back of their tank black or blue. There's also a blue back cover you can buy. I used this, but am not completely happy with it. I didn't know you were supposed to wet it first then apply it. Meadbhb
  10. meadbhb

    Green Leaf Wrasse

    Hiya, My LFS has green wrasse's, but not green leaf wrasse. Could it be a mislable? Meadbhb
  11. meadbhb

    crowded tank?

    Hiya, It's a bio-load/water quality problem. If you had a bunch of LR in there, you could probably get away with it. Or, you can do a lot of small water changes to keep your water clean. Meadbhb
  12. meadbhb

    some fish seem to be breathing rapidly??????

    Hiya, I'd try and get some more oxygen in the water. Make sure you have good surface water aggitation. You also might want to point one of your power heads towards the bottom of the tank to move some of the oxygenated water to the bottom. Meadbbh
  13. meadbhb

    Can you ID please

    Hiya, It does look like it's getting to much flow. I think they like medium to low flow. Meadbhb
  14. meadbhb

    Combinations of fish for 30G tank

    Hiya, Why do you think a damsel will cause a heavy bioload? I've got two damsels, a clown and a scooter in a 37 gallon and there's no fighting. Meadbhb
  15. meadbhb

    Ammonia spike and coral questions

    Hiya, Did you get the LR from the store or shipped in? If it spent any time out of water die off is going to start. If put right into the tank it can cause an amonia spike. My LFS is 5 minutes from my house so I can take a bucket down to them and transport my LR completely submerged so I don't...
  16. meadbhb

    Red Sea salt

    Hiya, I've used red sea salt with no ill affects. However, I think I've got a good clean up crew, so maybe I'm not noticing an algea problem. Meadbhb
  17. meadbhb

    Thursday night 4-pack

    Hiya, You're so lucky! Wish I could find stuff like that around here. Meadbhb
  18. meadbhb

    id plz?????

    Hiya, If you're tank is still cycling, you crabs are probably not going to make it. If you can, take them back to the store and see if they'll hold them until your tanks done cycling. Pods are a great thing to have. Meadbhb
  19. meadbhb

    Lime Green Algae

    HIya, When you scratch the green stuff is it hard (coraline) or slimmy (bad algea)? Meadbhb
  20. meadbhb

    what do I need for a frag tank?

    Hiya, Not sure I can move the display tank. Both tanks are going to be on different walls. What brand of lights would you recommend? Should I run a skimmer on a frag tank or will a sump/fuge take care of waste? Meadbhb