Search results

  1. hondo

    New 55g setup

    I would skip the plennum idea and just do a DSB as they are easier and very effective. You didn't mention lights what do you have or are planning to get? As for the fish the flame angel and mandarine are OK but not for a minimum of six months after set up and a year would be better as they both...
  2. hondo

    Newbie help with tank set up

    welcome Just my opinion but now is the time to switch to a DSB. don't feel bad about getting convinced into buying CC as most of us were, myself included. Just go out and buy some dead sand and mix with a small amount of live sand or purchase some more LR as this will also put life into your...
  3. hondo

    Lighting? Is my LFS trying to pull a fast one?

    go back to what kind of "difficult corals" will you want to keep. If your talking about SPS then the answer is add some MH lighting. This is better than both PC or VHO. Also numerous places on the net to buy lighting from so compare prices and save $$$ as any lighting is expensive. try this site...
  4. hondo

    Toadstool Leather

    how big or small can the cutting be (in inches).
  5. hondo

    Lighting question

    In a fish only tank the additional lighting will help bring out the color of your fish (as long as it's heavy on the actinic). I would not put the compact flour directly on the tank glass because of heat. You will need to get a canopy first or hang some pendant lights. any chance of adding coral...
  6. hondo

    Coral Banded Shrimp/Yellow Tang Behaviour

    I wouldn't go so far to say the tang won't hurt the CBS as I had a yellow tang that ate a CBS. but this may also be a case of the tang wanting the CBS to clean it or the CBS trying to clean an unwilling tang. give them time and more than likely they will settle down and ignor each other.
  7. hondo

    Yellow Coral Banded Shrimp

    my CBS tends to stay out of the light as much as possible and comes out and cruises the tank looking for food after or near lights out time. I usually see him hanging upside down on the ceiling of a rock cave.
  8. hondo

    Sponge taking over!!

    Same thing with my tank as at first they really took off growing everywhere and after a few months they receeded back a bit and now there are only a few in the tank.
  9. hondo

    Where to buy on-line?

    try: (flying fish express) (jeffs exotic fish) or do a search on: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  10. hondo

    This is TWICE now!!--UPDATED

    sorry to hear you lost a fish but like the earlier post make sure you look everywhere as I have had fish disapear before and then suddenly two days later they are there again. also any chance the clown decided to go carpet surfing and you just haven't found the corpse? As for the anemone eating...
  11. hondo

    cpr aquafuge rio powerhead question

    Rios are crap but just curious if you tried cleaning it. they sometimes will work again after a good cleaning.
  12. hondo

    CPR back pack 2

    go with the prizm, less money, good small tank skimmer, less maintenance. I have a Bak PakII on my 37gal and it works fine but you need to clean the rio power head once a month or it will sieze up (rio powerheads are basically junk and even CPR will tell you that they only use them because they...
  13. hondo

    longnose butterfly is not doing well

    longnose butterflies are reef safe with caution and will pick on some corals (mine picked at an open brain and was then traded back to the LFS). I had good luck feeding it brine shrimp, bloodworms, and tubifex worms. but it mainly picks at pods off the LR. Clearly yours is not doing well but...
  14. hondo

    PC lighting and LFS ...

    The important thing is do it right the first time. PC lighting is OK but if you want to keep a wide range of SPS (and eventually you will even if you think you won't now) then you need MH (Metal Halide). Don't put too much into the watt per gal rule as all tank dimensions are diffent and...
  15. hondo

    I need some help with power compact lighting please

    sounds like the canopy you do have is a flat glass or plastic cover which sits on your tank leaving less than 1" of space between the water and the glass. This usually has a flip up style lid which is 4" to 6" wide running the length of the tank. If this is what you have then you are better off...
  16. hondo

    Unhappy Toadstool??

    too much light move him down and give him moderate to strong current.
  17. hondo

    looking for soft corals... does a good job of showing you the photos and some specific info on each species.
  18. hondo

    ick water

    getting your fish out of the tank for 30 days will kill off the ich in your tank but you will also need to address the problem which caused the ich in the first place, what is stressing your fish? Otherwise as soon as you put the same fish back into the same tank and system they will stress...
  19. hondo

    ich water

    just curious what were the fish that died? If your tank is a 26 gal how many total fish are in it?
  20. hondo

    5 beginner corals

    If you consider a brain coral get rid of the long nosed butterfly as it will pick it to death. These fish are considered reef friendly with caution and I beleive the earlier post is correct in stating if a coral naturally inhabits the area the fish is from it will consider it food. I had one in...