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  1. plum70rt

    Coralife Denitrator

    I use a Denitrator, and it works well, where did you see a coralife denitrator? how does it work?
  2. plum70rt

    Florida Marine Society, Guest speaker,Julian Sprung

    Im going to my first meeting on 1/21, at the Fishing hall of fame, in Ft lauderdale, Julian Sprung is the Guest speaker, if you could ask him one question about reefs what would it be? I have so many , so lets get one good general one that I can ask him:)
  3. plum70rt

    12 Gallon Nano Pic. Take A Look...

    Nice, good things do come in small packages:)
  4. plum70rt

    2 naso tang questions

    My Blonde love all types of Seaweed,
  5. plum70rt

    greek goddess nudibranch?

    Do a search on sea slugs, you will get alot of info, the slug you want is a Hypselodoris Picta, a sponge muncher, and only eat a certain type of sponge, they dont do well long term,I have 2 slugs in my tank and the only reason I can keep them and they do well is the fact I have sponges growing...
  6. plum70rt

    Just wanna get to know everybody!

    Susan your a cutie,;) did I mention I have lots of cool starfish, and a big reef tank? just kidding:D , I only have 3 starfish, but you are a cutie;)
  7. plum70rt

    Old ?, new twist. What do you keep your temp at?

    76 to 79 never over 80, this just seems to make all happy:)
  8. plum70rt

    Purple Slug?

    Do a search on sea slugs, Hypselodoris Bullocki , not poisoness,eat narrow diet, dont do well long term, have mine going on 4 months now
  9. plum70rt

    If I was rich.......(look at this tank!)

    Welcome Mike,:) You are a great reefer , your tank is Awesome, hope you will enlighten us with your experiences with that tank of yours
  10. plum70rt

    My Tanks Progress

    Thats a big yellow tree sponge in the front, 2nd piece in there,first one was moved to side, the middle piece really does not block anything,this tank is 36 inchs wide, so you cant see lots of things in back, in the pictures when I take the whole view,+ my camera sucks, I will be updating it soon:)
  11. plum70rt

    My Tanks Progress

    That "thing" is my Carpet Anemone if you compare the pics he is now where my alevopora used to be :eek:
  12. plum70rt

    My Tanks Progress

    thats a Yellow Sabae Anemone ,since he has moved to the back of the tank, still going strong though
  13. plum70rt

    My Tanks Progress

  14. plum70rt

    My Tanks Progress

    Here are 2 tank photos taken exactly 3 months apart, some things have been added or moved, some corals have gotten larger, lots of fish added, what do you think?
  15. plum70rt

    Color 6-pak

    Very Nice,, :) Damm I need a new Camera:mad:
  16. plum70rt

    OT Recent debates over SUVs

    Utter nonsense,Drive your SUV and enjoy it,:)
  17. plum70rt

    OT: My New (used) Car

    Kickster, As I said before, I like your car Its very Nice,Not implying that any imports are not good, I love all cars of all types, I have owned toyotas too, that will work out to be a great car for you Im sure Muscle cars are not practical at all,No comparsion,just sticking up for the Old...
  18. plum70rt

    Sammystingray, info on tree sponge, please

    Funny I got it yesterday, 8.00 at the LFS, my buddy put it on the side for me, I have others in my tank too,as you see the red sponge in the front, they like lots of flow, I feed Dts Phytoplanton and a mix I make up of dissovled organics for the whole tank , what I have found with this kind of...
  19. plum70rt

    Pergo and a tank, do they mix?

    pergo is very good flooring, whats going to be under the pergo? cement? wood? my tank is on tile 16x16s, on cement no basements in fla, estimate weight is 3500 lbs, no problems:)
  20. plum70rt

    Help...VHO and Acrylic tank

    if its good acrylic, no worries at all:)