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  1. plum70rt

    OT: My New (used) Car

    13.38 at 105.5 30 year old technolgy, no ones smoking anything:p as far as looks go no caparision:p , the best is the price, who wants jap crap no one :p , go look back a few post and look at the price a hemicuda convert goes for, I know as a fact it sold already:p
  2. plum70rt

    Mushroom ID?

    Does anyone know what this mushroom is called?
  3. plum70rt

    Red Sea Sohol Tang?

    ok here he is, very hard to get a pic of a constant swimmer:D
  4. plum70rt

    Sammystingray, info on tree sponge, please

    does it look like this one
  5. plum70rt

    iknow this off the subject anyone got any other intersting animals

    I have 3 parrots a congo African Grey. a double yellow head amazon, and a blue and gold macaw, all hand fed by me:) they are great pets ,
  6. plum70rt

    Rare glimpse , Red Serpent Star

    Sue thanks, I would never encourage anyone to get , anything for there tank , especially starfish, I do encourage anyone to research anything that they add, I was offered a blue starfish by the LFS they didnt know excactly what kind it was, looks like a linkia to me, ok what does a multiflora...
  7. plum70rt

    Rare glimpse , Red Serpent Star

    Right here at, its legs are about 7 inchs long, center is the size of a half dollar, Sue, what does a blue Fromia look like?
  8. plum70rt

    Red Sea Sohol Tang?

    I just got one today , a real nice red sea, never seen one here before, has hints of blue in it, LFS say they rarely get them they gave it to me for 70.00 hes about 6 inches or so,
  9. plum70rt

    Rare glimpse , Red Serpent Star

    Sue ,Bless you, Queen of the Starfish, :D , Thank you, a quick question is there another blue starfish other than the linkia?
  10. plum70rt

    Rare glimpse , Red Serpent Star

    here is a better pic, he is a beauty:)
  11. plum70rt

    Red Sea Sohol Tang?

    Anyone know the differences between a red sea and a Normal Sohal tang,?
  12. plum70rt

    OT: My New (used) Car

    Ahhh thats better:)
  13. plum70rt

    Rare glimpse , Red Serpent Star

    Here is a pic of my red serpent Starfish, only comes out for food, had lights off to acclimate new fish, and he graced me with his presence for a quick pic, not the best but taken in hast:)
  14. plum70rt

    OT: My New (used) Car

    Again good luck with the car looks great but,Being a long time Muscle car fan, I must reply, Its not about going the fastest , its, how you go fast, Big blocks and high HP, 500+ ft lbs of torque, Old muscle cars had bad , Handling, brakes,weighed 3800lbs+ its old technolgy,really no technolgy...
  15. plum70rt

    what kind or carpet should i get

    Stick to the Shag rug Carpet:D ,but seriously the only good point that I can say of my green Carpet, is that its an unusal creature, responsible for missing fish? could be, knocks over corals,yes, killed my alevelpora? yes, But I like it,:) The big green sticky Pancake , I just keep my eye on...
  16. plum70rt

    What are using to clean the algea off your tank?

    Yes I agree, my tank is large too, cant reach the bottom on a ladder thats why I invested in the good Hammers, they have Great whites, that are good for 1 inch thick acrylic, Mega super strong, you will like the hammers, this is professional Grade Equipment:)
  17. plum70rt

    Where can I get a denitritor...plum70rt???

    Cool Joe:cool: let me know how it goes , Good Luck:)
  18. plum70rt

    First order from SWF.Com... very very pleased so far.

    Get any big Trochus snails?
  19. plum70rt

    Red Slime Algae

    I agree ,its probably the water source , go to walmart or supermarket to get distilled water, to use, until you get an RO /DI unit, :)