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  1. ty_05_f

    First coral ideas

    Well i decided on some Green star polyps. Thanks for everyones help. A couple of the polyps opened a couple of minutes after being put in my tank. Hope they do well.
  2. ty_05_f

    First coral ideas

    Thanks for everyones help I think i will get some polyps but i'll see what they have there and take in mind what everyone said.
  3. ty_05_f

    Ideas on new fish

    Ok thanks for everyones help I try and get some more stats on all the mentioned fish.
  4. ty_05_f

    Ideas on new fish

    I was just on a different bb and they had a 30 gallon with 10 fish. I was like WOW. It even had a little yellow tang! It had been going for over a year. But i wonder how many fish they replaced in that year?
  5. ty_05_f

    Ideas on new fish

    Yeah, I agree I don't want to over due it with fish. The next fish I will choose will be it for my tank.
  6. ty_05_f

    Ideas on new fish

    ok thanks for the help, Yeah it is sorta hard to find a small fish that meets what I want.
  7. ty_05_f

    Ideas on new fish

    Thanks for the help any one else have any recomendations??
  8. ty_05_f

    Ideas on new fish

    well so far he hasn't been aggressive yet. The two in now are doing great together. The only time I have seen aggression is at feeding time when they both want the same piece of food.
  9. ty_05_f

    Ideas on new fish

    What kind of fish do you think I should get next this will most likely be my last fish for my 29. And i won't be getting one till saturday anyway. My two i have in there now are still small and will not get very big. I am looking for a colorful active fish thats not aggressive, and will get...
  10. ty_05_f

    Florida vs Fiji

    florida because it's aquacultured and doesn't hurt the reefs.
  11. ty_05_f

    what brand do you feed?

    Omega One natural protein diet
  12. ty_05_f

    First coral ideas

    I had some kind of green mushrooms on my live rock that i ordered but it died while curing. Hopefully i will have some that survived but i doubt it. I really like the red mushrooms as well. I'll see what the store has and do some more research. Thanks Tyler
  13. ty_05_f

    First coral ideas

    Thanks for the help you have been really helpful
  14. ty_05_f

    First coral ideas

    Do you have any specific mushrooms that are sorta colorful too. Thanks for you help.
  15. ty_05_f

    First coral ideas

    what would be the best and cheapest coral to start out with. I have 1 65 watt coralife pendant with a 50/50 bulb. So low light it is for me. I was thinking of some kind of mushroom. What do you all think?
  16. ty_05_f

    tell me what you think

    You added to many fish too fast. You should add them of at least a week apart. This allows your biological filtration to catch up to your new bioload.
  17. ty_05_f

    tell me what you think

    yeah that is quite a bit for a 10gallon. you might want to take a couple fish back to the store. How long has it been setting up??
  18. ty_05_f

    Throught I'd share a little essay I wrote in school

    Thats kinda wierd I have never been not given respect for my age. I am 15 now. All the stores I go to are nice,very informative, and helpful. I usually do all my research and know what I'm buying before I go though. And man do I suck at English.
  19. ty_05_f

    Live rock question

    yeah Wheni first got it, it stunk horribly. It was pretty bad in one part of the house. I did a water change on it last night and scrubed it pretty good to get all the dead off. But I still saw alot of life on it. There were some worms and tons of coralline of all different colors.
  20. ty_05_f

    wat do u feed ur clowns?

    lol I'm pretty sure he was kidding.