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  1. plum70rt


    after the 4 days with the phosguard,it should come down, you can do this a few times,reuseing the same stuff, its a never ending battle and its something you have to check once a week or so, overfeeding is one cause,
  2. plum70rt


    :) Phosphates LOOK OUT!!, Your Welcome;)
  3. plum70rt

    Digital camera advice

    thoughts on Nikon coolpix 5700?
  4. plum70rt


    exactly ,:) actually you can place it anywhere you will get flow through it,
  5. plum70rt


    I used Seachem phosguard to intially get down my phosphates, its a granular substance that you put in a filterbag then put in place of your carbon, for 4 days, I see you have a 29 gallon directions say use 1 cup for 75 gallons, so id a say 1/4 cup would be enough, in a small filter bag , would...
  6. plum70rt


    What type of filtration do you use? Phosphate eliminator works with a skimmer , it a chemical that bonds phosphates together that allow it to be skimmed out like protein, There are many phosphate sponges on the market, you put it in place of your carbon for 3 or 4 days then remove it,
  7. plum70rt

    Tang and dottyback help!

    a neon dottyback?
  8. plum70rt


    0 is the best, they always appear from rock and life in the tank, 0.05 to 0.1 is ok, you can use a phosphate sponge, or I have been using salifert phosphate eliminator which added once a week lets the skimmer take out phosphates, works well so far :)
  9. plum70rt

    goniopora or alveopora?

    Aleveopora 4 months, 3 months for the goni:) hope they last, I like them
  10. plum70rt

    goniopora or alveopora?

  11. plum70rt

    goniopora or alveopora?

  12. plum70rt

    goniopora or alveopora?

    never saw a branching Goniopora, learn somthing new everyday:)
  13. plum70rt

    goniopora or alveopora?

    Aleveopora are branching , Goniopora have a rounded base
  14. plum70rt

    OT: Working on sat sucks

    Tues is the day, MON thru FRI are my days off, then I relax on Sat and Sun , so Im fresh for my Days off, :) Its sucks, but someone has to do it:cool:
  15. plum70rt

    Back from a long absence.

    welcome back,I like your avatar:)
  16. plum70rt

    Carpet Anemone Question

    I have 5 anemones in my tank, a green carpet 14inch in diameter, a purple tip sabae, 2 yellow sabaes, and a LTA, I was at a LFS the other day saw a green carpet about 30 inches in Diameter:eek: :eek: the biggest one I ever saw, a monster, going into a 500 gallon tank
  17. plum70rt

    Carpet Anemone Question

    I would not take it out,just watch it for now, sometimes they do crazy things when they want to move around
  18. plum70rt

    Carpet Anemone Question

    He may not be DOA but if its inside out, usally thats a sign he will melt away, the sniff test is , if it smells real bad, he is on the way out, and if he croaks in the tank he will foul the tank real bad,
  19. plum70rt

    Carpet Anemone Question

    hard to tell from the pic , is he inside out? if so ,thats not a good sign, give him the sniff test, if its twists your face,:( Sorry
  20. plum70rt

    Defination of light, moderate, and strong light/lumen/watt

    because you answered it yourself, I agree with your descriptions;)