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  1. plum70rt


    Hey those Sea slugs are always sneeking into a pic
  2. plum70rt


    okay here are my sponges;)
  3. plum70rt

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    I have three parrots, a double yellow head amazon, a congo african grey, and a blue and gold macaw, the amazon Kelly is 8 years old had her since 7 weeks old, talks alot and very well, Chaos is the blue and gold macaw is 4 years old , had her since a chick,talks as well, but not as good, Casey...
  4. plum70rt


    Sponges are filter feeders that need no special light, I have tree sponges that look like yours, then there are the type that look sort of like a catus, short and stumpy,I will post some pics of mine, when the lights come on,;)
  5. plum70rt


    Got to love those sponges, they make a tank look cool, very nice:) Im trying to get every color myself, have red ,yellow,orange,pink, so far
  6. plum70rt

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    Okay, tank is out for nite,but here I am;)
  7. plum70rt

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    Wow, I just spent an hour looking at this thread, what a laugh, I blew my hard drive this week, missed alot, I have to go dig up a pic:D
  8. plum70rt

    Bubble tip anenome

    small fish , place them near its mouth,yummy:p
  9. plum70rt

    Bubble tip anenome

    go to LFS and get some silversides, give it some once a week, or so,
  10. plum70rt

    Some New Corals , What you Think?

    I just had to add a pic of my yellow sabae anemone, anyone ever have one?
  11. plum70rt

    Some New Corals , What you Think?

    they nibble at coraline, but nothing serious, dont mess with the corals so far, knock stuff over is the worst thing they do:mad:
  12. plum70rt

    help! how can i get my anemone to move?

    There is no Guarantee that any clown will go to any anemone, the clowns you like like sabae and long tentacle anemones, I have 4 anemones in my tank a carpet, 2 sabaes a purple tip and a yellow, and a long tentacle, I added a tomato clown he went to the long tentacle, go figure
  13. plum70rt

    Some New Corals , What you Think?

    thats a pencil sea urchin:)
  14. plum70rt

    Some New Corals , What you Think?

  15. plum70rt

    Some New Corals , What you Think?

  16. plum70rt

    Some New Corals , What you Think?

    Check this out
  17. plum70rt

    Sea Slugs Anyone?

    Anyone keep Sea Slugs in their Tanks? I have 3 a green lettuce, a purple and a brown one with purple spots, anyone have any info or Experience with them?
  18. plum70rt

    My new camera!!!!

    Very Cool , How long you setup? that looks like coraline algae which is good:) also looks like my room when I was younger:D
  19. plum70rt

    condi purple

    Clowns dont like the condis useally, A carpet , Sabae,or long tentacle will be better choices
  20. plum70rt

    Does anybody use backup power sources?

    Funny I asked the same thing a little while back,I hooked up 2 APC UPS units, just make sure they can handle what you use them for, I have 1000 watt units, they will run my pump for about 2 1/2 hours to 3, the other will back up the denitrator and the nite lights, for the lighting a generator is...