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  1. plum70rt

    Eye Candy.........

    VERY NICE:) :) If ever had a photo contest you win hands down!!:)
  2. plum70rt

    Soft Corals Shed?

    I have read that soft coral shed, how do you know when its shedding and not dying? I have a yellow leather that was full open till a few days ago now its is wilted over opens very little, water is all perfect, Whats up?
  3. plum70rt

    What dry food?

    spectrum thera A by new life, stimulates picky eaters:)
  4. plum70rt

    Sailfin Tang? I can't remember the name of this sweet fish.

    :) A beauty, Mine gets a little beat up by my yellow tang, Hope he cools out
  5. plum70rt

    Denitrator Hooked up, anyone use one?

    and you change water,we dont:)
  6. plum70rt

    Denitrator Hooked up, anyone use one?

    70 Challenger R/T:) plum crazy of course:)
  7. plum70rt

    Anyone heard of Moon Lighting?

    I love my moonbeams I mounted 2 of them inside my canopy:eek: here is a pic best I could do its a little dark but looks real cool in person :)
  8. plum70rt

    Naso tang hiding

    :) search under avatars
  9. plum70rt

    Naso tang hiding

    IMO it just takes time for a certain fish to ajust, some of my fish have taken longer to ajust than others,as for not eating , this could be a sign of sickness so whatch closely
  10. plum70rt

    A mix of Tangs

    the denitrator is the key for no water changes for me, I do add about 1 gallon every other day for topoff, I brought a water sample to LFS to be tested ,I tested it myself first but just wanted a recheck I was told I have perfect water:) now going on 5 months running strong:D
  11. plum70rt

    Naso tang hiding

    what other fish are in there with him?
  12. plum70rt

    A mix of Tangs

    Does any one out there have a few tangs together? how do they get along? so far these are doing fine together I have a blue hippo, purple,sailfin,yellow all together,Blond naso is coming:)
  13. plum70rt

    2 tangs 1 tank ??

    I have a foxface with 4 tangs, a hippo, a sailfin,a purple,and a yellow, all get along, I love the foxface ,too bad Id take him in a minute:) mine changes color at nite when he hides to sleep,never seen him touch any coral
  14. plum70rt

    Feeding mushroom.

    I have seen my shrooms close up on sinking pellets and eat them, I wll have to try the shrimp thing, to see if they like it;)
  15. plum70rt

    *MUST SEE* A thought came to me when I was driving home....

    herbbie, 4 months,running strong:D
  16. plum70rt

    lynkia starfish maintenance

    This seems to be a big problem with these, I had a blue linkia same thing happened to him, wish I knew the answer
  17. plum70rt

    *MUST SEE* A thought came to me when I was driving home....

    Im ready, How about at the Miami Sea Aquarium? they have a 750,000 Gallon reef tank,that everone can drool over, Im waiting for to open a showroom so I can visit;)
  18. plum70rt


    Not that I know of, the only 2 systems Ive seen were designed in fla,one that I have was made by my tank builder, the other by another guy that he knew ,very similar,both use methenol, it gets used up in the process, I have seen large tanks that have been running since 1986 with no water...
  19. plum70rt

    Stupid question

    Thats why it is called a SEA anemone, they come from the ocean,its like putting flipper in a lake,:D