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  1. afboundguy

    Which lighting is best for a frag tank?

    Whatever you decide to go with I would got with bulbs that are around 6500K if you plan on fragging to sell. 6500K bulbs make corals grow the fastest because they're the closest spectrum to the sun and who cares if the tank is "yellow" if you're just fragging. Just my $.02
  2. afboundguy

    growing copepods for mandarin

    I would def get more rock and a fuge. I have a mandarin in my 55 gal that has about 70 lbs or rock and an in tank fuge. It also helps a ton that mine eats frozen food like a pig When you goto your LFS ask them to try feeding the mandarin frozen food. If they eat it scoop them up. The day...
  3. afboundguy

    Do I have too many fish in my tank?

    Originally Posted by kikithemermaid What do you mean the cleanup crew should be upgraded? Do we need more snails/shrimp? It means you should have more than 2 snails. I would get 10-15 turbo snails,5-10 cerith snails, 10-20 combo of red/blue legged hermit crabs, and 5-10 nassarius snails...
  4. afboundguy

    Do I have too many fish in my tank?

    I would ditch the canister filter, they have a habit of becoming nitrate factories. Sell it and get a good HOB skimmer like a remora or a bakpak. That should help with the nitrates. I agree that nitrites are high, they should be zero. Also 2 months is waaaaaaaaaay to early to have that many...
  5. afboundguy

    FS HOB Overflow

    I have a HOB Overflow that I no longer need. $35 OBRO. I'm located in MA but will ship.
  6. afboundguy

    Missing six-line wrasse!!!

    If your tank is mature (+6 months) and you used some live rock to start your cycle they do eat copepods that grow on the rock.
  7. afboundguy

    Want to add more fish, but which?

    If you get a clownfish make sure it's the same species so they get along...
  8. afboundguy

    cocepod question

    I have a 55 gallon with +70 lbs LR in tank fuge with cheato and I have a bigger problem keeping the front glass clear of pods than algae It also helped that I bought a mandarin that was eating frozen food from my LFS so he eats like a pig
  9. afboundguy

    I hope i dont regret this angel

    Originally Posted by srfisher17 IME, this is another " it depends on the individual fish" situations. I had 2 dwarfs in my 55g for the longest time. I had a coral beauty and a flame and they were model citizens. I would never do it again though unless I had a bigger tank.
  10. afboundguy

    Mandarin goby pics?

    I've had my green mandarin for about a month now... He was eating frozen food at the LFS so I bought him right then and there! He's doing good and still eating frozen food. At about 8pm he comes out from the back to the front of the tank and that's when I feed the tank. I turn off the...
  11. afboundguy

    Fuzzy Dwarf lion

    I wish I could find one with colors like that... I had one for over a year and loved him... his name was "Mufasa" If I found one with those colors I would have to buy it.
  12. afboundguy

    My Reef Video

    Very Nice 55g! I always enjoy seeing other people's 55g it gives me ideas for mine... It's sometimes a pain because seeing different ideas for aquascaping always makes me want to re-scape my tank
  13. afboundguy

    would a reef expert enlignten me please

    I got a good chuckle out of the title for this thread... "experts wanted" I think noone is an expert in reef tanks... we're all learning... but is sure is a fun learning adventure
  14. afboundguy

    Mandarin green

  15. afboundguy

    Mandarin green

    I would still strongly suggest not putting 2 of the same sexed mandarins in... they will fight and from everyone I've heard they WILL fight. The best way to have 2 in one tank is for a male/female pair. The next best is to have one green and one spotted.
  16. afboundguy

    Mandarin green

    You shouldn't mix two of the same type of mandarin fish if they're the same ---. You might be able to get away with it in a 125g but IMO I would only put in a second one if it was a male and female. The males have the much more elongated front dorsal fin while the females have a much smaller...
  17. afboundguy

    MUST READ!!! responsible SW hobbiests needed! explanation to 1journeyman

    Originally Posted by WangoTango That is what I was saying it's the consumer's responsibility, and this forum is a great place to learn about things. -Justin I think it is also the seller’s responsibility. When I first started out I had a few LFSs that straight out refused to sell certain...