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  1. afboundguy

    high nitrAte

    Do you run a skimmer? That would help removing waste products before they can get turned into nitrate. As for a refugium if you don't have a sump you can get a CPR HOB refugium or something similar. They also make combination skimmer and refugium HOB systems for around $350-$400 and you could...
  2. afboundguy

    does anyone have an anemone in there 12gal nano?

    There was just a thread about similar to this ( 12 gallons is too small for an anemone sorry to say. You could just use this as an excuse to upgrade!
  3. afboundguy

    My 90 Gallon reef tank

    No harm no foul. Thanks for the appology. Everybody has bad days... come to think about it I did post first while I was at work and I'm always having a bad day while I'm at work
  4. afboundguy

    Calcium and Alk teeter totter

    Do you test your Mag? When I first started dosing alk and calc I had the same problem always having one right and one lower than it should be. I always thought my Mag was fine until I actualy got a test kit and it was low (1000-1100) and then I started dosing Mag and now it's much easier to...
  5. afboundguy

    My 90 Gallon reef tank

    Originally Posted by MaTT B I love how some people say YOU NEED A 6 foot tank for a tang. Like the extra 2 feet is going to make a fish of that kind that swims MILES aday happy? You should not have a tang unless you have a 200+ aquarium IMO. I am not the tang police but I hate it when people...
  6. afboundguy

    Best Anemone for true perc

    You could add a couple more pieces of fully cured live rock and make it more of a mound in the middle. Look into the nano tank section of the forums and look at all the different styles of rockwork. That should give you a good idea of what you like. My main advice on adding more rock is to...
  7. afboundguy

    My 90 Gallon reef tank

    Originally Posted by billabonk and i'd like to know what you think... please give feedback or suggestion Originally Posted by Saltysteele it's d***'s like you that ruin forums and make people turn away. i think most people come to forums to enjoy other's experiences and share their own...
  8. afboundguy

    LED lighting be an advance?

    I agree that LED lighting will be a thing of the future but it's too early right now. I've heard stories from LFS saying that these lights are great when they work. The problem is that they have all this extra stuff built into them like the cloudy day and stormy day lighting that adds a ton of...
  9. afboundguy

    Best Anemone for true perc

    Originally Posted by Percy-Cin Eventually, we plan on moving to a larger tank I (and I'm sure a lot of people) would say skip the anenome untill you purchase the larger tank. People fall into this "I plan on upgrading" chain of thought and for various reasons don't upgrade. In the long run...
  10. afboundguy

    clown acclimatation to new anemone

    Originally Posted by PerfectDark Having wild caught species IMO they are more likley to look for an anemone, aquatacultured fish are not as likely but do stand a chance and tank raised are the most difficult and may never take to one at all, IMO. I am a firm believer that hosting is a...
  11. afboundguy

    My 90 Gallon reef tank

  12. afboundguy

    My 90 Gallon reef tank

    Originally Posted by I Am Batman I think a lot of people are illiterate, partially blind, or just plain ignorant and don't read the first post thoroughly. It states that the tank has been established for 2 years, and it looks healthy. No we're just smart and actually do the research when we buy...
  13. afboundguy

    What is my new fish? Please help me ID

    Originally Posted by myerst22 Okay does anyone else think how ridiculous it is to get a fish blindly. Do some research before you buy a fish. Proof in my point, if it is a cleaner it will die a pre-maturely. How much is that long blue thing in the window? It's $xx.xx. It looks good I'll...
  14. afboundguy

    WTB Aquafuge or comparable HOB fuge

    I'm looking to get the medium size aquafuge or something that is similar. I would pay to have it shipped to me.
  15. afboundguy

    Don't Do This!!!

    Originally Posted by alexmir I highly doubt that the owner of that tank keeps his fish in there like that at all times. The fish would murder each other, and there is no way they would have grown to that size in that small of a tank. Also, the bio-load would quickly kill every thing in it long...
  16. afboundguy

    Don't Do This!!!

    Don't stock your tank like this... This is horrible, I want to call the MSPCA...
  17. afboundguy

    red slim algae

    What are your phosphate levels at? Also try sucking it up with a siphon and then leaving the lights off for 2 or 3 days. Leaving the lights off this long will not effect corals. The ocean's not always sunny everyday
  18. afboundguy

    my clown looks like its shaking... wat does that mean?

    This is normal behavior. If I'm not mistaken it has something to do with mating (don't quote me on this) But totally normal. The female (larger) might even bite the male (smaller) one and pull it into whatever coral it's hosting.
  19. afboundguy

    reddish algae (not cyno)

    I've had cyno before 2 or 3 times in the 5+ years I've had the tank up. This algae is more like normal green/brown algae except red. It is not stringy and easy to remove from surfaces like cyno.
  20. afboundguy

    reddish algae (not cyno)

    Well I have this reddish algae that is not cyno because. I never had it untill I put in the Marco Dry rock and my in tank fuge with macro. I'm thinking it's coming from the fuge because the inside of the fuge is coated in it. It doesn't seem to be invasive and doesn't spread that fast much...