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  1. afboundguy

    MUST READ!!! responsible SW hobbiests needed! explanation to 1journeyman

    1journeyman I'm sorry I re-posted but I didn't find out how to private message you and couldn't post because you locked the thread. In no way was I telling people not to buy fish from I even stated that I've had 2 or 3 great experiences purchasing live goods from All I was...
  2. afboundguy

    MUST READ!!! responsible SW hobbiests needed!

    Originally Posted by m0nk Every fish store has deals like this from time to time and while it may spark someone buying a fish they're not truly able to care for, there is nothing sinister here and this sort of thing happens at other fish stores all the time. There also isn't anything keeping...
  3. afboundguy

    MUST READ!!! responsible SW hobbiests needed!

    I'm sure a lot of people on this forum also recieve the emails. It is about those that I have to vent. I'm sure a lot of you have been getting the $5 daily fish specials. I believe this is totally contradictory to responsible SW hobby-keeping. Please don't buy these fish...
  4. afboundguy

    True or False Percula

    Thats def a true percula... Too much black to be an occelaris clown...
  5. afboundguy

    what is a good Anemone for Ocellaris?

    I'd go with a bubble tip... They have a reputation for being one of the hardiest and easiest to keep anenomes. I've been able to host false percula's in a BTA.
  6. afboundguy

    Yellow Watchman Goby

    I had one for 2-3 years with great success. For the record you don't need a pistol shrimp it just makes for a more interesting tank. Mine was not that shy, it would have half his body outside of his little cave and when it was dinner time he came out swimming like a bat out of hell. On the...
  7. afboundguy

    This Is How My Reef It Looks

    did you mean 8.4? 7.4 is waaaaaaaaay to low. pH is supposed to be around 8.3... If it really is 7.4 I would start raising it slowly...
  8. afboundguy

    How's my Stocklist?

    My only concern is that Sixlines compete with mandarins for pods and can possibly eat all the pods. Just my $.02
  9. afboundguy

    55g Reef New pics!

    Very nice 55g... I'm in the process of making my 55g a full reef tank and always love the different looks of 55g... It's a shame that they are so narrow, it kind of limits what we can do with rockwork but you did an excellent job... I'm not worthy...
  10. afboundguy

    What light is right?

    I've kept an anenome under PC for years with too much success... It keeps spliting and it's annoying, one day I'll have 1 anenome and the next I'll have 2or 3. If you're going to do fluorescant lighting go with T5's over PC's, T5's run cooler and as long as they have indv reflectors provide...
  11. afboundguy

    T-5s or Metal halide

    For what it's worth the shimmering of MH's is purely esthetic. I've read in numerous magazines/online articles that it provides no benefits... I do love the shimmering effect though
  12. afboundguy

    backpak bubbles

    I've had a bak pak skimmer since I started my 55g (3 or 4 years ago) and I've never had problems with bubbles coming out. I would recomend the pre skimmer because it def helps keeps the top clean... has them
  13. afboundguy

    1st Fish In My DT

    Great job waiting so long... It annoys me the people that add fish within a couple of weeks. I was someone who waited about 2 months before putting in just my cleaner crew and 3-4 months before I put in my first fish... My only advice is not to add fish to fast... 1 every 1-2 weeks if you're...
  14. afboundguy

    7'x14"x14"tank for a reef?

    Where would you get a tank with those dimensions? I'd love a tank like that...