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  1. mach03infront

    Bare Bottom Tanks...

    that rose is huge!
  2. mach03infront

    Just for discussion...

    i had a bad experince with was doing fine then all the sudden mine died and polluted my tank ugh some stinky stuff!! had to do a big water change... i don't wish this on anyone but i will never put that coral ever back in my tank.
  3. mach03infront

    New 29 Pony Tank

    very cute!
  4. mach03infront

    *addicted2's 75 gal tank diary*

    beautiful tank!
  5. mach03infront

    Acrylic Retail Unit Aquariums for sale

    very cool. sorry about what happened
  6. mach03infront

    37 Gallon Complete, 20" Sunpod MH

    love the shape of the tank
  7. mach03infront

    Macro Lens just arrived!!!!

    cool. nice frags
  8. mach03infront

    Bare Bottom Tanks...

    Originally Posted by digitydash wow ogredawg thats awsome do u have a full tank view I would really like to see it i agree thats sick looking !!!! i like that a lot. never thought of doing something like that
  9. mach03infront

    Yellow Tang With Black Ich?? Help!!!!!

    it's a work in progress.....
  10. mach03infront

    Can I keep these 2 items?

    mostly people are just here to help there is no need for you to blow up on me, i'm just stating my advice on what will help you. so i really could careless what you really do or have since you have disrespected me.
  11. mach03infront

    Any 30" T5 fixtures available? T5 setup for 29 gal.

    if i haven't already bought my lighting on my 30 gallon i would have gotten a sunpod on it.... i have one on my nano and love it! and soon to have another on my project tank i would consider the sunpod (no heat issues)... over all good lighting but it's all of how you like the looks of color...
  12. mach03infront

    Thinking of getting a maxima clam

    just make sure your calicum is up to par. i really don't feed my clam anything but what i feed my fish, an aged tank also helps a lot.
  13. mach03infront

    MH in nano???

    i took off my hood on my nano there is only like 4 screws holding my hood on then when my sunpod came all i did was install the legs on the fixture and floped the light on to the tank. easy @!
  14. mach03infront

    CONTEST: most colorful reef!

    tom- wow....loving that long tank !!! looks great! blueman - very nice tank , like how your lighting looks! goingpoor- love your trigger! murph, jaw dropppin tank!! i CAN'T wait till my 55 gets going it will be a sps tank! just like yours!
  15. mach03infront

    MH in nano???

    i have a sunpod 70watts mh on my 12 gallon nano and i love tanks stays pretty cool and i live in florida i keep the ac around 78 when i'm not home.
  16. mach03infront

    Is This Too Much Sand In A Frag Tank

    what type of sand is it??... you could send it over here!!!
  17. mach03infront

    CONTEST: most colorful reef!

    alex, it's double lamp fixture by corallife aqualight 50/50 compact fluorescent lamps.... i'm really happy about how everything looks i try to change by bulbs every 6 months zano i notice that you have a sunpod as well as i have you changed your bulb let??? looks a little bit more blue than...
  18. mach03infront

    CONTEST: most colorful reef!

    nices tank! cpbirds407 grumpygils how long has that set up been running looks awesome zanoshanox you in courage me to add more to my nano
  19. mach03infront

    Can I keep these 2 items?

    sorry i'm not here to flame at you i just want your tank to be a success! good luck with everything hope your not mad p.s i'm pretty good at keeping my corals happy but i had a elegance coral and thats the only one to this day (coral wise) that has passed on me. this is one coral that your...
  20. mach03infront

    What Type of Fish Do YOU Think Is the Most Entertaining????

    Originally Posted by puffer32 Jawfish. I love how mine is constantly rearranging his rock work and grabbing up hermits, setting them in his wall, and then tries to keep them from walking away. And the way he defends his cave from other fish by opening his mouth real wide like hes gonna eat them...