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  1. smallfry

    Head and Lateral Line Erosion ??

    I got a brown tang from a friend that was moving. He was in a 40g??(something around that) I put him in my 90g. he eats well and acts fine I noticed that his color seems wrong. It looks as if the top portion of his color and marking are gone in a noticable even line. I was looking things up...
  2. smallfry

    fish suggestions: looking for a top of tank swimmer

    I have a cardinal in my 37g and he just hangs around the top and middle, not alot of swimming but he is always out and about.
  3. smallfry

    Panther Grouper

    Mine leaves the snails alone but my emaralds have gone missing. :thinking: I have lots of small blue legs and they do fine. NO shrimp!!!! They will hunt them down until they are all gone.. :hilarious
  4. smallfry

    how often do you feed your SFE??

    Sorry, I just like the idea of the just pineapple. Kind of an inside joke.
  5. smallfry

    how often do you feed your SFE??

    I did tighen up the entire canopy. I read too may threads of the loose eels and did learn by others errors. Thanks.
  6. smallfry

    How long does it take for "dead rock" to.........

    WOW sometimes toooooo much information!! I have tanks with deep sand beds 4"+ and ones with 2" both do very well. It is very much if it ain't broke don't fix it....?
  7. smallfry

    how often do you feed your SFE??

    Night has arrived and the moon lights are on, the SFE is freely swiming around the tank and seems happy. I guess I will offer food and if he wants it he will take it. I am not sure if you can over feed food that you know is going directly into the fish?? We will see.
  8. smallfry

    how often do you feed your SFE??

    I got him on Sat and feed him 3 silversides...he ate 4 today.... :happy: I am very happy he is eating but want to make sure I keep him happy..
  9. smallfry

    how often do you feed your SFE??

    I finally got my SFE which is why I got a new 90g set up... He eats like a pig!! I am under the understanding to feed every other day a silverside or two... :notsure: And yes that is sponge bobs house he has moved into.. It is great because he is looking out one of the three windows all day...
  10. smallfry

    trying this out!!

    Mishelly, could you plese ID the fish in the first photo...Great looking fish...Thanks
  11. smallfry

    what additives to use for live rock

    That funny they neversaid to test but to test seems like the first step. thanks
  12. smallfry

    what additives to use for live rock

    At the ---LFS---- they said I should be adding calcium for good growth on the rock. Is this true or just sales.?
  13. smallfry

    what additives to use for live rock

    Anybody that has Fish only w/live rock what additives if any do you use????
  14. smallfry

    Grouper question

    mine would only eat frozen foods at first. after 2 months he started eating 'New Life Spectrum Marine Fish Formula' pellets I was feeding the other fish in the tank so now he eats both.
  15. smallfry

    Baptism by fire....

    Had FW...Wanted SW... Started with 15g eclipes.....FO...added LR...not to bad..... Changed out 37g to SW FOWLR....not too bad....used same filters etc. Changed second 37g...same as above..... Husband wanted bigger fish so he bought me a 90g for x-mas....he had no idea what he has...
  16. smallfry

    gobie or blenny?

    I have large open areas behind the rock and where the tank in located I can't see behind... so I think he lives a nice surburban life behind the rock...
  17. smallfry

    gobie or blenny?

    I have a Yellow goby and he is always hiding. I thought he died never saw him then two months later I saw him move behind the rocks. Never comes out:nope:
  18. smallfry

    making bulk live rock

    All I can say is........WOW........ I know what I am doing this weekend!!!
  19. smallfry

    Giving Up - Its not all it's cracked up to be

    Live rock I have found seems to make saltwater keeping IMO easier than FW. I have had FW for 20 years and started changing to SW 5 years ago. I did not use live rock at the start and never had a site like this in the begining. Once I started using live rock life became much easier. It can run...
  20. smallfry

    homedepot sand

    I used the same sand in January and my water has been slightly coudy ever since. I have been going back and forth if I should change out the sand. I wish I had just started out with sand from the lfs......