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  1. thud

    Bubble algae

  2. thud

    MURPH/goodwin9 - Question about your tank

    Right now they are separated. One in my sump, the largest in the display tank. I'll see if I can trade it for something... otherwise he'll live in my sump forever. haha.
  3. thud

    Leather Coral Help

    Lax, don't worry. This is what you need to do. My toadstool was open when I first received it. A few days later it look bald and unopen. I was thinking about tossing it after 4 days because I thought it was dead, when I went to check on it I saw that it was shedding and opening.. You need to...
  4. thud

    (First Reef Tank Ever) **** 600gal Display **** 1300gal System

  5. thud

    Some new 210g reef tank pictures...06.05.07

    LOL You've got every specimen out there huh?
  6. thud

    show ur wrasses

    nice....... wrasse.... Hey murph I created a thread yesterday hoping you would respond -
  7. thud

    Rudest thing an lfs employee has ever said to you part 2

    Originally Posted by JasonY had a lfs employee tell me that foxface was not venomous and he woul dgive me a free fish if i proved the foxface was venomous I remember your thread.
  8. thud

    MURPH/goodwin9 - Question about your tank

    Originally Posted by bpaul1201 i was told that they are peaceful when 1 are introduced at same time, 2 are in odd numbers! i also read about them needing at least 75g per fish for the yellow tangs. goodwin has a 600g tank with plenty of room so there not really teritorial, but look at your tank...
  9. thud

    Rudest thing an lfs employee has ever said to you part 2

    Originally Posted by Clown Boy Do it! DO IT!! You just can't win. If you sell to anyone irresponsibly, then you're "Just trying to make a sale and dont care about harming specimens" If you lookout for BOTH the specimen AND potential failure then you're an idiot for that too. You cant win in...
  10. thud

    Rudest thing an lfs employee has ever said to you part 2

    Originally Posted by crt81I have one!I went to a LFS that I have never bought from but had heard alot about, everyone always said the corals were awesome there. So I puled into the parking lot and opened the door and that is when the trip to that store ended badly! I got there and all the tanks...
  11. thud

    $80,000 fish!!!

    It's because it can do algebra on the aquarium glass duh.
  12. thud

    MURPH/goodwin9 - Question about your tank

    Is my question the lamest ever or has no one come across it yet?
  13. thud

    Rudest thing an lfs employee has ever said to you part 2

    Originally Posted by promisetbg Do threads like this serve any purpose? Pretty ridiculous thread if you asked me, the fact that one has to point out that a pet shop employee was asian. Think of it this way, there are more than a handful of pet stores that can be considered "cruel" and...
  14. thud

    Can I do without the sump?

    Sumps are good because you can separate fish if needed and hide all of your equipment and more. You dont HAVE to have a sump but I prefer to have one. A lot of people dont have one and have canister filters and more. In my experience, skimmers output a lot of micro bubbles into the tank which...
  15. thud

    please help with nitrates

    If you haven't already you should look into a deep sand bed, that will take care of your nitrates.
  16. thud

    MURPH/goodwin9 - Question about your tank

    I noticed you have two yellow tangs: Do they fight? Did you add them to the tank at the same time? or one after the other? Did they fight at first? Is one bigger than the other? Right now my medium size yellow tang is in the sump because they would not stop fighting and began nipping at...
  17. thud

    Are you freakin serious? video on pistol shrimps.

    Originally Posted by reefkprZ A bolt of lightening gets hotter than the surface of the sun... why couldnt the energy released from the click, is there some scientific reason for your doubt or is it just too hard to beleive for you? I'm just curious. If it shot towards your tank glass wall Im...
  18. thud

    Lighting Question

    Originally Posted by Farslayer Oh dude, that sucks. BTW, thanks for the compliments newtankman. I guess I can go into my diatribe about watts/gallon as well. There is a very ignorant measurement used for tank lighting: watts per gallon. Unfortunately, it seems that some don't understand what...
  19. thud

    Thousands of JellyFish, interesting story too!

    Check out this YouTube video: oh and another: "The jelly fish came to this lake in Palau through a tunnel which connected the sea and the lake long time ago. Now the tunnel have closed, and the jelly fish came to...