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  1. thud

    xenia anyone?

    I have three xenia colonies, I want more. All bought here at SWF.
  2. thud


    the first look like snail eggs. Nasarius (sp) I have these snails and we have white spots on rock and tank walls. Do you have these type of snails?
  3. thud

    xenia anyone?

    Is any of this still available?
  4. thud

    Whats eating my B/G Damsels?

    It was a huge fluffy monster that was brought down by a greek god in 300 BC.
  5. thud

    Ammonia Spike, two months after cycling?

    Well unfortunately the water changes seem to have put the soft corals (xenia colonies) in shock... They look like they did when they were first put into the tank... What do you think?
  6. thud

    Ammonia Spike, two months after cycling?

    Originally Posted by earlybird Possible it's a bad test kit? I suggest bringing a sample to the lfs. Thank you for all your advice. It is possible that the tests are off a bit. Our LFS are idiots and use test strips btw.
  7. thud

    Ammonia Spike, two months after cycling?

    Originally Posted by ReefForBrains How large of a tank? If its at .5 then a water change will dillute the number by the amount changed. On smaller tanks its eaisier to do more changes, If tank is large then carbon and amon sponge can help supplement the work, but best and only REAL way to remove...
  8. thud

    red algae

    Originally Posted by gritchie2 The phosphates in my tank got kind of out of control; I added a Phos Ban reactor three days ago. I know it will fix the green hair algae will if rid my tank of this red algae as well. Looks pretty!
  9. thud

    Help!!! Need info on hypo.

    Originally Posted by sepulatian You can order an excellent one for $39.99 from this site. It comes pre-calibrated. I agree with Lion_crazz, a hydrometer is far off. Hyposalinity needs to be done precisely to be effective. I was arguing with a guy about hydrometer readings compared to...
  10. thud

    I really need help

    Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy water is back to crystal clear. but ammonia is still .25 Like I said, "You could do a 50% water change and still get the same reading of ammonia." ;) Lets hope your bio filter takes care of that. I read that if you have 0 nitrites in your cycled tank, the bio...
  11. thud

    Ammonia Spike, two months after cycling?

    Originally Posted by 1journeyman Amquel does seem to lock the ammonia and make it "safer". Water changes are the only way to remove ammonia is a populated tank. Lots of water changes... Okay, how much, how often? (water changes)
  12. thud


    lol apparently two people didn't get the memo about how outgoing links are prohibited on SWF forums. :thinking:
  13. thud

    Some Products and Advice for New Salt Hobbyist

    Originally Posted by jason490 Hey Everyone, Well I have been in the fish game for many many years, but saltwater was always a thorn in my side. Well thankfully, technology has come a long way in recent years. I posted for the first time about losing all my fish in a brand new tank, my water...
  14. thud

    Mixing salt...QUICK QUESTION :URGENT:

    An acceptable range for fish-only tanks is from 10 to 40 ppm. Although fish-only tanks may run at much higher levels, sometimes with no ill effects, this is not recommended. In reef systems even a minor level of nitrate can cause damage as well as death to delicate corals, anemones and other...
  15. thud

    Mixing salt...QUICK QUESTION :URGENT:

    Originally Posted by dapak83 and also my ph is 8.0 i think thats normal rite or is it a little on the higher end? your ph is fine.
  16. thud

    Low PH??

    To my knowledge that would be your only option to up your pH. Baking soda is often recommended. - (pH of baking soda is around 8) But i would buy pH up 8.3 and add it veryyyy slowly to the tank over 4 hours time or more.
  17. thud

    Ammonia Spike, two months after cycling?

    Originally Posted by zephyrlily Try Amquel+, it works pretty good. We'd rather get rid of the ammonia rather than mask it.
  18. thud

    Mixing salt...QUICK QUESTION :URGENT:

    How old is your tank? Any living creatures in it? Whats your ammonia reading?
  19. thud


    Originally Posted by kobain06 I'm thinking about getting a gargonian for my 24 Gal. nano. Is this something someone would recommend? I think they look cool. any must know info would be helpful. thanks Have you ever had corals before? If not check out the Reff sub forum here at SWF.
  20. thud

    Anybody know how to get rid of ths spam?

    Originally Posted by sarainboston Anybody know how to get rid of the teenfirwire spam? It appears to be posting in every forum and blog on the internet. I went to the teenfirewire website but couldn't stand to look at all the teen ---- long enough to find a support contact. I thought file...