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  1. thud

    New Xenia?

    Originally Posted by HuskerReefer I picked up a small Xenia from my LFS last Friday evening. My question is, how long does it normally take for the Xenia to start pulsing? I read that a thriving Xenia pulses but a failing one does not. Mine is not pulsing. All of the ends are open, just not...
  2. thud

    What is this?

    Yikes, hopefully it's not a nest for some wierd crap that is about to hatch. Did you try "disecting" at least one of them? Maybe it's a bacteria similar to cyano?
  3. thud

    A few pics of my tank some are in other threads and some are new

    Your tank reminds me of my own tank four months ago.
  4. thud

    Quick copepod question

    Would you happen to know the size of the filter? For example some filters state on their packaging, 2 microns or something like that.
  5. thud

    red slime

    Click the "Search" link above and search for Chemi Clean. You'll find over a hundred threads of success with the product to clear your red slime (also known as cyanobacteria)
  6. thud

    Help with ALGEA

    Yes, those are diatoms. This is a new tank correct? If it is not are you using tap water for water changes and top offs? Stirring up the diatoms or fanning them will not get rid of them, they'll be back. Get some phosphate removal media.
  7. thud

    coral preservation?

  8. thud

    Before and afters.

    Lots of coralline!!
  9. thud

    Finally some new pics of my reef...

    Is this an elegant coral?
  10. thud

    New additions (PICS)

    I didn't know the Niger Trigger was reef safe?!
  11. thud

    Perc Clowns

    Originally Posted by Lesleybird Is that an inner racial couple? One black and one orange? Cute couple! LOLOLOLOLOLOL.
  12. thud

    Xenia Question

    Originally Posted by 92cg60 Mine grows so fast I used to peel it from rocks and throw it away... until I found out my LFS would gladly take xenia for store credit Throwing it away! You should be ashamed! LOL! A tank could never have enough xenia, I love the pulsing. It really brings a tank to...
  13. thud

    More freebies....

    Originally Posted by Quakstar what type of glue do you recommend using? I would like to know as well, I was going to ask the same question!?!
  14. thud

    Couple Questions on aerating water and razor blades

    The salt makes it rust really fast. The vegetable oil would work but In my opinion that's VERY dangerous. You dont want to slip when you're scraping. Gosh it makes me cringe even writing that. Just buy box full, a dollar store should have some cheap ones.
  15. thud

    Questions about Sulfur Dioxide.

    I want to make sure it isn't just me. But I assume this is part of the denitrification process. If you pull a rock out of your sand bed, chances are it will be stained black because of sulfur dioxide. It will also pollute your tank if you mix up your entire sand bed. I brought this information...
  16. thud

    My order

    Originally Posted by 04mach I ordered 20 turbo snails (11 were DOA) 10 jade hermit crabs 1 maroon clown and some zoas. Everything else was fine but i wasnt happy with half the snails being dead. SWF has a 15 day guarantee. Ship the dead ones back.
  17. thud

    Protein Skimmer??

    Protein skimming is a must. If I didn't have two protein skimmers I wouldn't have pulled 10+ gallons of CRAP out of my tank. Skimmers pull organics out of your tank BEFORE they turn into possible ammonia.
  18. thud


    Here are some good resources for sumps and overflows.
  19. thud


    you can buy the stuff from lowes and DIY!! Here are some sump/overflow/and other plumbing resources:
  20. thud


    Originally Posted by stunner197 Is there any possible way of making a sump work without having holes drilled in the bottom of the tank? I have a Hex that is currently set up and it is a glass tank and having holes drilled is not really an option. Use an overflow box. Here are some saltwaterfish...