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  1. thud

    Summers End Zoanthids

  2. thud

    Summers End Zoanthids

    Check these out!
  3. thud

    DAMNsel Catching!!! HELP!!!

    1. relax. 2. smaller hook. 3. patience.
  4. thud

    Water looks greenish/yellow???

    Water changes and/or run some activated carbon.
  5. thud

    Want to TRADE something for XENIA?

    I sent the email, How many zoa polyps?
  6. thud

    Anyone Hear of "Red Slime Remover?"

    Use Chemi-Clean, it's safe and does not effect good bacteria. It is so easy for people to recommend "increase flow" to people with cyano problems, but that clearly does not take care of the problem - nor does it 100% prevent it. All this recommendation does is increase your post count and you...
  7. thud

    Wild Caught???

    Originally Posted by bbailey231 I was at the coast a couple of weeks ago and got some wild caught things, a couple of baby stars that came up on a piece of shell, 2 microscopic hermits, some purple sea urchins and a couple of snails. I also got something weird on the piece of shell, they look...
  8. thud

    sexing clownfish

    Set the mood with some music and maybe some wine.
  9. thud

    Crushed Coral Question

    Dont change it all at once, do it partially over a few days time.
  10. thud

    I dunno if anybody heard but...

    Yeah I saw that article. I've always wondered why we aren't doing more research under the ocean. You'd think they would check out earth before space. lol
  11. thud

    Confessions of a nooby aquarist

    Originally Posted by porthosandjazz large spider decorator crab sally lightfoot crab, arrow crab, teddy bear crab, horseshoe crab, 70 blue hermit crabs, fuzzy dwarf lionfish, emperor angelfish, foxface rabbitfish, copperbanded butterfly fish, fire shrimp, pistol shrimp, 2 cleaner...
  12. thud

    Want to TRADE something for XENIA?

    No takers? That's a big chunk! Anyone got 5 zoa polyps or a diamond goby?!
  13. thud

    Finally took the leap and jumped in!

    Originally Posted by Khaari Only 1 out of the 3 nearby does. The one I prefer to go to uses them himself on his displays. Usually he will use a different brand to test his customers water but since I showed him my results and explained them he decided to use his personal test kits just to be...
  14. thud

    Floor Sanding

    I'm actually having this done soon and wasn't sure exactly what I would do about my tank room. Thankfully it's enclosed but I'll still put something over the tank to be sure. I think paint fumes and stuff would be more harmful to the tank than wood dust.
  15. thud

    another little white thing question

    Mmmmm sounds like boston creeeemeeeee. LOL jk. They are most likely snail eggs. They leave them all over the place, on the glass and rock.
  16. thud

    Cleaning sand of detrius.

    Do any of you know of any tools that I could use to skim the sand besides using tubing? Is there a product I'm not aware of?
  17. thud

    Isopod Inside of Living Fish (picture)

    Originally Posted by reefreak29 i dont know i think it needs a top hat and a cane singing hello my baby hello my darlin LMAO
  18. thud

    Want to TRADE something for XENIA?

    I'm really looking for some zoas or something. I have tons of Xenia though. This is the piece I will give. It's approx 20 polyps: Circled in Red.
  19. thud

    Want to TRADE something for XENIA?

    I'm really looking for some zoas or something. I have tons of Xenia though. This is the piece I will give. It's approx 20 polyps: Circled in Red.
  20. thud


    What you need to do is create the opposite of an "output' overflow. It will bubbles will be removed from the water before it hits the tank. It will go into the tank in a waterfall effect. Ill show you a pic of mine if I must.