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  1. thud

    Why do people use this?

    Interesting question, I'm interested in knowing too. My guess would be to keep corals/frags from laying in the detrius/junk on the bottom of the tank. Or maybe to increase flow.
  2. thud

    Cleaning sand of detrius.

    Originally Posted by fishntx there are some gobys that sift sand and are good additions to the tank Which exactly? I was looking at gobies and wasn't sure which one was the "sand mover"
  3. thud

    Cleaning sand of detrius.

    What are some good sand sifting/turning fish in your opinion?
  4. thud

    Cleaning sand of detrius.

    I would like to clean my sand but I want to avoid an ammonia spike. How can I go about doing this?
  5. thud

    The Tank Backdrop Thread!!!

    Originally Posted by Jerthunter Here is mine. I went initally with a blue background but since the coraline took off I have pretty much left it on the back. I like the look and I got sick of scraping it off. It would almost be impossible not to scrap off the back now. Scrape some off for...
  6. thud

    Want to TRADE something for XENIA?

    Got a pic of those? Yes, ive heard it over and over that they don't ship well but i've shipped and received Xenia multiple times and they bounce back within two days.
  7. thud

    frag tank question

    I'm actually setting up 4 - 10 gallon tanks for growing corals! One tank is going to grow just chaeto. I built a shelf and everything for the tanks. It's hot. I plan on trading frag for frag on here and will grow them out in my 10 gal tanks and eventually place some in my display tank. ;)
  8. thud

    Want to TRADE something for XENIA?

    No bites? I could go for some Zoas...
  9. thud


    What's brilliant is that the ammonia level is .25 and they want to add another fish. ROFL.
  10. thud

    Want to TRADE something for XENIA?

    Teen, 40 minutes from Syracuse.
  11. thud

    Shipping and Handling Advice

    How do I say this without making it sound like im sucking up or kissing butt? All four (large) orders of corals and fish and inverts that I have made from arrived on time and alive. I can't make any other suggestions...
  12. thud

    Want to TRADE something for XENIA?

    I have some Xenias and I want to trade something for some of it. Here's a picture of it in my tank: Sorry, I'm not interested in selling. Only trading. Here is video:
  13. thud

    Wierd looking star fish!

    Stringy like this: ???
  14. thud

    What Can I keep with Crushed Coral Sand?

    Some people choose to use "play sand" which can be found at Agway, home depot or lowes. But you have to rinse it very very well. It's cheap and works and I've done it.
  15. thud

    Mantis Shrimp : 0

    LOL I wish the 100 LBS of liverock I bought had stuff this good in it!
  16. thud

    Barracuda won't eat

    I can't believe a store was actually selling one. Thread starter - Did you catch this out of the ocean!?
  17. thud

    Barracuda won't eat

    I heard that they like the taste of hands. (make sure you're wearing something shiny like a wedding ring) That will probably cheer him up.
  18. thud

    Turbo turds all over

    "Detrius" not poop. ha jk
  19. thud

    what is my problem with swf?????

    Originally Posted by sepulatian You need a deep breath after all of that. How long was your tank fishless? How long did you have the clowns in QT? How long after you got them did one disappear? Calm down and explain this. Come over to Disease and treatment and explain this if you want our help...
  20. thud

    Brand new to this - are these fish OK?

    Originally Posted by KarenM I can't find a brand on the heater. I added 40lbs of sand. It's about 2 - 2.5" deep. You'll want some live rock. Your rocks should be porous.