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  1. drea

    upgrading lighting for 70g tall/ tek t5's?

    looks like the teks can only be hung?
  2. drea

    upgrading lighting for 70g tall/ tek t5's?

    Originally Posted by Integral9 54W is a 48" T5 bulb. 39W is a 36" T5 bulb. You won't find a 36" T5 54W. lol, that explains everything!!!!! i'm an idiot!!!! i will take a look at the ati thing as well, thanx a lot guys!
  3. drea

    upgrading lighting for 70g tall/ tek t5's?

    i have nova extreme 39 x 4 now, they are great, but i'd like more light for stony corals (i have some stony corals and they are growing, but not as bright as they should be... do the make a tek or nova system with 54 x 4 or better? the tank is 36 inches and i can't seem to find much thanx!
  4. drea

    Ricordia frag time is near!

    cout me in, siiiiiiiiiiiick!
  5. drea

    Anyone Interested In Live rock For Sale??

    if shipping isn't too bad to 11787 ny. i'd love some
  6. drea

    lighting for a 20 long tank (30 inch long) what t5's?

    i'd like to use this tank for the extra frags i have and other corals... mostly for softys, zoos some hard corals..... can i get away with 24 x 2? was thinking nova 24 x 2?? since the tank is very shallow? i have nova extreme on my 70 tall (39x4) with zoos, shrooms, some hard corals, all doing...
  7. drea

    Maxima Clam Price????

    all depends on location, here on long island i see the babies for 80 5 inch for 100-125 i would do 75 minimum, someone will buy it
  8. drea

    just ordered epoxy covered magnets/ok to use for heater?

    well, i think i will plastic dip/spray them on top of what their epoxy then glue them... i think that should do the trick.
  9. drea

    just ordered epoxy covered magnets/ok to use for heater?

    dam!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok gonna try to cancel the order! thanx!
  10. drea

    just ordered epoxy covered magnets/ok to use for heater?

    ordered epoxy covered magnets for my maxijet powerheads. i would also like to use the magnets to replace the suction cups which hold my heater to the glass... will the magnets have any negative effects on the heater? and with everyones experience should i caot these magnets again with plastic...
  11. drea

    i want a tiny hippo or baby eel

    well, since we are on the topic, are the tangs and other fish quarantined already and check for ick? or do we still have to hypo/quarantine them?
  12. drea

    Acclimation time for a clam?

    Originally Posted by kingfish8302 WHy did you not temp aclimated it? well, i never acclimate my corals, idk, just being lazy and stupid, its still doing very well though
  13. drea

    Acclimation time for a clam?

    Originally Posted by kingfish8302 what you did not even temp aclimated it. Wow to me thats to risky and money down the hole if it had die. dude i know!! i am so paranoid right now (at work) i hope the clam will b ok
  14. drea

    maxima clam keepers

    Originally Posted by teen lol, maybe ill drop by again some time. really depends. ive never spot fed any of my clams and ive had them as small as 2" and they've grown considerably since then. if you do spot feed, dont squirt any food directly at the clam, you can clog his gills and he'll die...
  15. drea

    qucik clam questions before i put in my tank!!

    i know! whenever i did not acclimate a shrimp itwould die! never had a problem with crabs though, put them right in, i hope the clam won't have a problem
  16. drea

    maxima clam keepers

    very helpful post guys, teen whats up brotha! you gotta see the tank, its evolved, lol... ? they saw to feed the clams photoplankton (i think that it) can u spot feed a clam or is that not a good idea?
  17. drea

    qucik clam questions before i put in my tank!!

    i just traded for one yesterday, i did not acclimate, i should have, its doing really well so far, my tank has come a long way.. its under the nove extreme 39 x 4, but the clam is on a shelf rock structure a couple inches under the water, i will be upgrading the lighting soon, so i'll see how...
  18. drea

    Acclimation time for a clam?

    i traded for a purple/bluish maxima (4inches) and i just put mine right in the tank, its doing really well!
  19. drea

    One Packed Frag tank

    nice, what size frag tank is that?