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  1. memnoch

    Is my Red Sea Star sick? reply? Just in case someone wants to comment my parameters as follows, temp 78F, ph 8.4, salinity 1.024, nitrite <0.1, ammonia <0.1, nitrate is somewhere between 10-15. I do bimonthly 25% water changes with R/o saltwater prepared by my LFS. The star was initially very active, i wish...
  2. memnoch

    Is my Red Sea Star sick?

    I have a Red Sea Star that when initially added to the tank was very active climbing all over the LR. Now for about a week he's been staying in one spot near the surface in the stream of the powerhead, i also noticed today three of the five arms appear to sloughing some tissue. I moved him out...
  3. memnoch


    I have a 42gallon hex and one power head is more than sufficient.
  4. memnoch

    killer peppermint shrimp

    My LFS says a lot of folks mistake camelback shrimp for peppermints. Camelbacks he says can be reef hazards. Don't know how true this is. I hope it is, i have 10 peppermints :(
  5. memnoch

    Live Rock Question

    I recently started dosing my tank with trace elements once weekly and i've seen a noticeable difference in the coralline algae growth. Don't know if it's that for sure though :cool:
  6. memnoch

    Dream Reef

    I'm currently making plans for building a house in the next couple of years. One of the things i strongly desire for my home is a large reef tank. I'm planning on have a large rectangle recessed into the living room wall with the exposed side jutting into my study. I really would appreciate...
  7. memnoch

    Takin 'em back

    Hmm.....peppermint shrimp are bad news? I have 10 of them recently added for cleanup purposes. If you keep plenty of food in tank will they leave polyps and soft corals alone?
  8. memnoch

    Feeding fish garlic?

    Thanks for that informative post, i went to my LFS and asked for "garlic soak" and he looked at me with that deer in the head lights stare like "what the heck is that and why would you want it?" I then realized i had outgrew him in knowledge of the hobby. Well, maybe not, but anyway thanks for...
  9. memnoch


    In fact, i've read that you are better off with a salinity of 1.024 because it makes pH more stable. Don't remember where I read it. I also think this same article mentioned that 1.024 salinity is more invertebrate friendly.
  10. memnoch

    sufficient filtration for saltwater?

    I have a 10gallon tank that was previously freshwater that i want to use as a QT for saltwater. The only filtration is a unit that sucks water in from the tank into a housing that has a mechanical filter and activated carbon. I'm wondering if this is sufficient for saltwater filtration on say...
  11. memnoch


    Cool, do like they say and use the hyposalinity treatment. Marine ich is apparently present in small amounts in all saltwater environments. It's brought into your "closed" environment by infected fish. Do yourself a favor and set up a Quarantine Tank (QT). This way everytime you get a new...
  12. memnoch

    OT: How much did it cost???

    If there is one thing i've learned from this post it's that i'm not alone in my insane love of the reef regardless of cost ;-) I've also learned that i have a lot to learn about what i have ;-) One of the first moments of eureka occurred when i did the breakdown on my system and realized my LFS...
  13. memnoch


    So in other words, a UV sterilizer in a single tank system is useless? If this is the case, what is the best procedure in your experience to "rid ich" of a tank that is full of inverts and live rock. I don't have a QT to put the inverts in. I guess one of the pivotal questions in this...
  14. memnoch


    Anyone ever have difficulty with a UV sterilizer damaging inverts? I've got a terrible ich problem i can't rid with Rx-copperless treatments and i'm considering getting a UV. Also, anyone ever mount the UV in the filter chamber?
  15. memnoch

    HELP!!!! Parasite in water

    Unfortunately sometimes the best way to learn is the "hard way" Being fairly new to this hobby i became over zealous in adding beautiful new inhabitants to my bourgeoning reef tank. Not long after adding a Hipo Tang i began to notice what i now know is abnormal behavior. The Tang began...