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  1. trigger11

    Plant Life / Sump Question

    Originally Posted by CPG Can anyone tell me what type of plant life to put on my mud in my sump. Does it matter how much I put in there? Is there any special placement I need to think of? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. If placing the plant life in mud I would go with Caulerpa...
  2. trigger11

    When will diatoms go away

    Originally Posted by jw1977 I've had diatoms now for a couple of weeks. It goes away at night I assume with the cleanup crew eating it and then comes back once the lights come back on. How long does this usually go on for? My tank has been up and running for about 2 months. I have a 1...
  3. trigger11

    How can I keep the Salinity Level consistant?

    Originally Posted by nicoled29 Hi, My name is Nicole and I just got a 56 gallon tank. I already have the live rock in it and put the salt in the water. I've only has the take for about a week and when I check the salinity, it's at the level tat is should be. But then the next day the Salinity...
  4. trigger11

    Particles on top of water

    Originally Posted by Aquatica-Tech I had the same problem, its just bunches of waste from your tank surfacing. All you need is some type of water disturbance on the top like a HOB filter or some HOB skimmer Yes, I agree. There is also the possibility that if you have an overflow you are using...
  5. trigger11

    help with stock list

    Originally Posted by Good Alex Im aware of the flame angel, its a hit or miss with the corals, tangs however are reefsafe, why would i have to monitor the tangs?? There herbivores. anyone else have any thoughts about my stock list? Not sure if this helps at all but I have recently upgraded...
  6. trigger11

    Overflow help

    Hello, I have a newly set up 200G tank which I upgraded to from a 55G. I have all of the plumbing finished and so forth. Added in my livestock last week. My question is about my overflow- It has a center overflow area. One bulkhead is the return and the other is the overflow. It has a 2"...
  7. trigger11

    Converting Sump To Refiugium Help

    Originally Posted by Aquatica-Tech Well im planning on doing a refugium and need a few tips. I have a 25 gallon sump and I want to convert it to a refugium, what might I need? 1. Some sort of light. A low wattage one will work. 2. Macro Algae, Chaeto, Halameda, or Caulerpa 3. Some like to...
  8. trigger11

    WTB this tank, input needed

    Originally Posted by matt2364 He is going to tear it down and just put 20 gallons of water and all of the live sand in 5 gallon buckets. Everything should be ready to pack up when i get there. I am not worried about set up and take down time. Just want to know what everyone thinks about the...
  9. trigger11

    How much time for my lights

    Originally Posted by jw1977 I have the Nova Extreme Pro's. How long should I be running them? I was thinking 12 hours. One thing I'm confused about is do you leave the actinic lights and the other lights on at the same time or do you run the actinic for a while and then the other lights? 12...
  10. trigger11

    Strange Hitchhikers I can't Identify...Please Help

    Originally Posted by Sammyjoe Okay so I got a new piece of live rock and now I have these tiny tiny white snail/slugs in my tank.They are on my glass and on my rocks. I tried to take a picture but cannot get my camera to focus on them cause they are so small. They are white,different sizes and...
  11. trigger11

    Clogged pipe

    Originally Posted by gmann1139 I'm just throwing ideas at the wall here, I don't have enough detail to rule any of these out: 1. Shop vac? 2. Snake? 3. Put another pump in the opposite direction and see if you can suck it down the tube? 4. If a snake won't fit, what about a broom pole? Algae...
  12. trigger11

    First Coral

    Originally Posted by johndodd Well my tank is set up and cycled, I have my new MH light set up and it isn't affecting the temp. I have moved my 2 clowns and my Coral Banded Shrimp into the tank. I have live rock and at least 2 tiny hitchhiking start fish in the tank. Water tests all look good...
  13. trigger11

    Clogged pipe

    Originally Posted by spanko Can't you just take off the cover to get to the algae? It is an Iwaki magnet pump. I dont really see any cover I could take off. Where the water comes into the pump there is an area there with about 8 screws that if I were take apart looks like the rest of the pump...
  14. trigger11

    Clogged pipe

    Hello All, Any suggestions on how to unclog a pipe? I am in the middle of the process of upgrading my 55G tank to a 200G tank. I went with an external pump to my refugium. I have a submersible pump for the 55G and you can throw whatever you want at it and it will keep running. Well, I started...
  15. trigger11

    never done a water change???????????

    I can only say this about water changes. I have not done very many in the last year and this what I have learned. If you have corals one needs to be done at least once every couple of months. You need to add in trace elements about once every 2 weeks. I add in one capful. I check my calcium...
  16. trigger11


    Originally Posted by nofishnplease i replaced my gravel with 30# caribsea dry aregonit reef sand and 40# same brand of live sand. i have a few questions 1. when i do water changes do i still vacuum from the gravel? 2. should i get some kind of sand sifting critters?if so what? 3.i found a...
  17. trigger11

    Overflow plumbing help

    Thank you both very much for the replies. So, I will leave my overflow at 2" piping. I do like the idea of putting that T" in there right after the return pump. So I am assuming you put in another one of those valve pieces with the red handle to adjust how much flow could go back to the...
  18. trigger11

    Overflow plumbing help

    Here are the specs Used 200G acrylic tank - Center overflow with two holes drilled. For the return I am coming up through one of the holes with 1 1/2 inch pipe. I have a 2" bulkhead I am using for the overflow. Would there be any issues with leaving all of the overflow piping at 2" when the...
  19. trigger11

    Fish Suggestions

    Originally Posted by BoneSnapper I have plenty of algae sheets. Don't the Copperbands grow to big for a 55? No, most copperbands only get 4-5 inches.